[Wikipedia] Description, Range, Rarity: Humboldt's Lily is a species of lily endemic to California named after naturalist and explorer Alexander von Humboldt. It is native to the South High Cascade Range, High Sierra Nevada, south Outer South Coast Ranges, and Southwestern California, growing at elevations from 600 meters (2,000 feet) to 1,200 meters (3,900 feet). It grows up to 8 feet tall, with flowers that are large and showy, golden-orange with dark red or maroon splotches and orange to brown stamens. The plant flowers in June, with flowers growing in a pyramidal flower cluster. The flowers are on stout stems, which are sometimes brown-purple. The subrhizomatous bulb is large, with yellowish-white scales, and grows very deep in the soil. The leaves grow in whorls, and are undulate, shiny, and oblance-shaped. It is summer-deciduous, dying back after flowering in mid- to late summer, and it should be allowed to go dry at that time. In winter it will do well with minimal supplemental water unless it is an especially dry winter. There are two recognized subspecies. Ssp. humbodtii is found primarily in the foothills of the Sierras; ssp. ocellatum is found primarily in southern California on the coastal side of the mountains and on the Channel Islands. Both subspecies are considered rare. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)