Calflora Extracted Shapefile Data Dictionary

Updated February 21, 2020

When observation data is extracted from Calflora in the form of a shapefile, the attribute names are changed so that each name is no more than ten characters long. The attribute names used in an extracted shapefile are listed in the ID column in the table below. Some of the attribute names are crypticallly short; use this table to look up what each attribute name means.

* indicates a custom field used by some Weed Manager groups.

ID Title Description Data Type
AccurcySqm Accuracy Square Meters text
Access Access Code published, unpublished, private, obscured text
author_id Contributor Record # text
Chem_Mthd Chemical Method * text
CalfloraID Calflora Record # text
ComName Common Name text
County County text
Crew1 Crew 1 * text
Crew2 Crew 2 * text
Crew3 Crew 3 * text
Crew1Hrs Labor Hours for Crew 1 * text
Crew2Hrs Labor Hours for Crew 2 * text
Crew3Hrs Labor Hours for Crew 3 * text
Distro Distribution text
Docum_Type Documentation Type text
Elev_m Elevation in Meters integer
GA_Count Gross Area Count double
Geometry Geometry a shape or line expressed in WKT text
Gross_Area Gross Area including count and units; for instance "5 square meters" text
Group_Num Group # integer
Group_Name Group Name text
Habitat Habitat text
Hectares Area in Hectares double
Herbarium Herbarium text
IA_Count Infested Area Count double
Index_Date Index Date when the record was added to the database text
InfstdArea Infested Area text
Latitude Latitude double
LocQuality Location Quality Code text
Loc_Desc Location Description text
Longitude Longitude double
Mech_Mthd Mechanical Method * text
Mgt_Status Management Status text
Nat_Status Natural Status wild or planted text
NumBags Number of Bags * integer
NumPeople Number of People * text
NumPlntTrt Number of Plants Treated * text
NumVol Number of Volunteers * text
Notes Notes (publically viewable if the record is published) text
Ntl_Ownshp National Ownership text
NumPlants Number of Plants text
Obs_Type Observation Type text
Observer Observer text
ObservDate Observation Date text
PctCover Percent Cover text
Phenology Phenology text
Plant_Num Calflora Plant # integer
PopAccess Population Access ease of access to the site of a population text
PopCount Population Access plant count summary of a population text
PopPrior Population Priority priority of a population integer
Product1 Herbicide Product 1 * text
Product2 Herbicide Product 2 * text
Product3 Herbicide Product 3 * text
Prod1Pct Percent of Product 1 * integer
Prod2Pct Percent of Product 2 * integer
Prod3Pct Percent of Product 3 * integer
PctTrt Percent Treated * integer
ProjectNum Project # text
Radius_m Radius in meters around a point, indicating the size of the patch double
RefPoly Reference Polygon reference polygon of a population (history stack)
-- a shape or line expressed in WKT
Region Region name of a management unit or preserve text
Root Root Record # text
SolnUnits Solution Units text
Soln_Tot Solution Amount * double
SurveyID Survey Identifier present if the record is part of a survey text
Source Source organization or individual responsible for this record text
source_id Source Record # text
SciName Scientific Name of the plant text
TotLaborHr Number of Hours text
TrtdAreaSF Surface Area Treated * in square feet text
Trt_Mthd Treatment Method * text
TrtNote Treatment Notes * text
UpdateDate Update Date when the record was last changed text
User_Num User # the owner of the record integer