Calflora   Common Name Index   P
Mouse over a common name below to see the scientific name. Click on the name to view the taxon report.
Pac... Par... Pin... Pra...
Pacific anemone
Pacific anemone
Pacific aster
Pacific aster
Pacific aster
Pacific aster
Pacific bedstraw
Pacific bentgrass
Pacific blackberry
Pacific blacksnakeroot
Pacific blazing star
Pacific blazingstar
Pacific bleeding heart
Pacific bleeding heart
Pacific bleedinghearts
Pacific blue field gilia
Pacific bog rush
Pacific coralroot
Pacific cordgrass
Pacific dogwood
Pacific eel grass
Pacific enchanter's nightshade
Pacific false bindweed
Pacific false bindweed
Pacific false bindweed
Pacific fawnlily
Pacific fescue
Pacific foxtail
Pacific fringed thistle
Pacific fuzz wort
Pacific gilia
Pacific golden saxifrage
Pacific grove clover
Pacific gum plant
Pacific hound's tongue
Pacific hulsea
Pacific jewelflower
Pacific lupine
Pacific madrone
Pacific manzanita
Pacific manzanita
Pacific may lily
Pacific mistletoe
Pacific mistletoe
Pacific mosquitofern
Pacific mountain dogwood
Pacific mountain onion
Pacific ninebark
Pacific oenanthe
Pacific onion
Pacific panic grass
Pacific panic grass
Pacific peavine
Pacific ponderosa pine
Pacific popcornflower
Pacific potentilla
Pacific red elderberry
Pacific reedgrass
Pacific rhododendron
Pacific rush
Pacific rush
Pacific saltbrush
Pacific sanicle
Pacific seaside plantain
Pacific serviceberry
Pacific silver fir
Pacific springbeauty
Pacific starflower
Pacific stonecrop
Pacific stonecrop
Pacific strawberry
Pacific swampfire
Pacific trillium
Pacific trillium
Pacific waterclover
Pacific waterleaf
Pacific waxmyrtle
Pacific wild rye
Pacific wildrye
Pacific willow
Pacific willow
Pacific willow
Pacific woodrush
Pacific woodrush
Pacific yerba santa
Pacific yew
Pacific yew
Pacific yew
Paddy melon
Padre's shooting star
Padre's shooting star
Padre's shooting star
Padre's shooting star
Padre's shooting star
Padre's shooting star
Padre's shooting star
Padre's shooting star
Padre's shootingstar
Padre's shootingstar
Padre's shootingstar
Padre's shootingstar
Padre's shootingstar
Pagoda buckwheat
Pahrump orache
Pahrump valley buckwheat
Pahute beardtongue
Paintbrush orthocarpus
Painted charlock
Paiute beardtongue
Paiute false bindweed
Paiute lomatium
Paiute mountain pincushionplant
Pajaro manzanita
Pale agoseris
Pale agoseris
Pale alyssum
Pale bastard toadflax
Pale biddy biddy
Pale bladder clover
Pale boisduvalia
Pale dandelion
Pale desert thorn
Pale dock
Pale evening primrose
Pale evening primrose
Pale false mannagrass
Pale false mannagrass
Pale false mannagrass
Pale flax
Pale gold back fern
Pale leaved serviceberry
Pale meadow lupine
Pale monardella
Pale mountain monardella
Pale pacific pea
Pale parish's larkspur
Pale purple owlclover
Pale reedgrass
Pale rough fruited poppy
Pale sack clover
Pale sack clover
Pale serviceberry
Pale spikerush
Pale starwort
Pale stemmed four o clock
Pale sun cup
Pale sun cup
Pale sun cup
Pale sun cup
Pale western larkspur
Pale yellow layia
Pale yellow lupine
Pale yellow mariposa
Pale yellow primrose
Pale yellow stonecrop
Pale yellow stonecrop
Pale yellow sun cup
Pale yellow sun cup
Paleyellow iris
Paleyellow ragwort
Paleyellow suncup
Paleyellow suncup
Paleyellow tidytips
Pallid bird's beak
Pallid larkspur
Pallid manzanita
Pallid milkweed
Pallid mountain monardella
Pallid serviceberry
Pallid suncup
Palm springs cryptantha
Palmate bracted bird's beak
Palmate toothwort
Palmate-bracted bird's-beak
Palmbract bird's beak
Palmer bead pod
Palmer ceanothus
Palmer evening primrose
Palmer goldenweed
Palmer goldenweed
Palmer locoweed
Palmer's abutilon
Palmer's amaranth
Palmer's buckwheat
Palmer's bush mallow
Palmer's campion
Palmer's catchfly
Palmer's ceanothus
Palmer's clover
Palmer's coldenia
Palmer's crinklemat
Palmer's dudleya
Palmer's evening primrose
Palmer's frankenia
Palmer's goldenbush
Palmer's goldenbush
Palmer's goldenbush
Palmer's grapplinghook
Palmer's ground cherry
Palmer's groundcherry
Palmer's indian mallow
Palmer's jackass clover
Palmer's liveforever
Palmer's lyrepod
Palmer's mariposa lily
Palmer's mariposa lily
Palmer's milk vetch
Palmer's milkvetch
Palmer's monardella
Palmer's monkeyflower
Palmer's monkeyflower
Palmer's oak
Palmer's penstemon
Palmer's penstemon
Palmer's rabbitbrush
Palmer's rabbitbrush
Palmer's seaheath
Palmer's silver lupine
Palmer's spineflower
Palmer's sun cup
Palmer's sun cup
Palmer's wislizenia
Palo alto thistle
Palomar monkeyflower
Palomar monkeyflower
Palouse milkvetch
Pampas grass
Panamint beardtongue
Panamint beardtongue
Panamint buckwheat
Panamint butterfly bush
Panamint cryptantha
Panamint cryptantha
Panamint cymopterus
Panamint daisy
Panamint dudleya
Panamint dudleya
Panamint indian parsnip
Panamint indian parsnip
Panamint indian parsnip
Panamint liveforever
Panamint liveforever
Panamint liveforever
Panamint mariposa lily
Panamint milk vetch
Panamint milkvetch
Panamint mountain buckwheat
Panamint mountain buckwheat
Panamint mountain buckwheat
Panamint mountain lupine
Panamint mountain lupine
Panamint mountain lupine
Panamint mountain lupine
Panamint mountains bedstraw
Panamint mountains buckwheat
Panamint mtns. bedstraw
Panamint mtns. buckwheat
Panamint mtns. lupine
Panamint phacelia
Panamint phacelia
Panamint princesplume
Panamint rock goldenrod
Panamint rock goldenrod
Panamint spring beauty
Panamint springparsley
Panamint springparsley
Panamint springparsley
Pancake cactus
Pancake prickly pear
Panic veldtgrass
Panicled bulrush
Panicled death camas
Panicled false solomon's seal
Panicled onion
Panicled pyrrocoma
Panicled willow herb
Paniculate tarplant
Panoche Hills navarretia
Panoche pepper grass
Paper bag bush
Paper birch
Paper flower
Paper mulberry
Paperbag bush
Paperwhite narcissus
Papery onion
Papillate dodder
Pappose tarplant
Pappose tarweed
Pappose tarweed
Pappose tarweed
Pappose tarweed
Pappose tarweed
Pappose tarweed
Parachute flower
Parachute plant
Paradise apple
Paradise tansymustard
Paradise tansymustard
Paradox moonwort
Parasol clover
Parasol draba
Parish broomrape
Parish broomrape
Parish fleabane
Parish goldenweed
Parish mimulus
Parish mimulus
Parish three awn
Parish viguiera
Parish viguiera
Parish wheatgrass
Parish wheatgrass
Parish's alkali grass
Parish's alumroot
Parish's alumroot
Parish's bedstraw
Parish's biscuitroot
Parish's bluecurls
Parish's brittlescale
Parish's broom rape
Parish's broom rape
Parish's broom rape
Parish's broomrape
Parish's broomrape
Parish's broomrape
Parish's buckwheat
Parish's burning bush
Parish's bush mallow
Parish's california tea
Parish's campion
Parish's catchfly
Parish's chaenactis
Parish's checkerbloom
Parish's daisy
Parish's desert thorn
Parish's eryngo
Parish's flatsedge
Parish's fleabane
Parish's glasswort
Parish's glasswort
Parish's goldenbush
Parish's goldeneye
Parish's gooseberry
Parish's larkspur
Parish's larkspur
Parish's lomatium
Parish's lupine
Parish's meadowfoam
Parish's meadowfoam
Parish's milk vetch
Parish's monkeyflower
Parish's needlegrass
Parish's needlegrass
Parish's needlegrass
Parish's nightshade
Parish's onion
Parish's oxytheca
Parish's oxytheca
Parish's oxytheca
Parish's oxytheca
Parish's phacelia
Parish's pickleweed
Parish's popcorn flower
Parish's popcornflower
Parish's poppy
Parish's purple nightshade
Parish's rabbitbrush
Parish's rock cress
Parish's rock cress
Parish's rupertia
Parish's sagebrush
Parish's saltbush
Parish's sandmat
Parish's sandmat
Parish's slender meadowfoam
Parish's snowberry
Parish's spike rush
Parish's spikerush
Parish's spurge
Parish's sunflower
Parish's tauschia
Parish's threeawn
Parish's umbrellawort
Parish's viguiera
Parish's wire lettuce
Parish's woolly milkweed
Parish's yampah
Parish's yampah
Parish's yampah
Park rockcress
Parrot feather watermilfoil
Parrot's feather
Parrothead indian paintbrush
Parry abrojo
Parry ceanothus
Parry cloak fern
Parry dalea
Parry horkelia
Parry manzanita
Parry manzanita
Parry manzanita
Parry manzanita
Parry pine
Parry pinyon pine
Parry rock pink
Parry spikeweed
Parry spikeweed
Parry's alpinegold
Parry's arnica
Parry's arnica
Parry's aster
Parry's aster
Parry's beargrass
Parry's blue eyed mary
Parry's buckwheat
Parry's collinsia
Parry's false prairie clover
Parry's fringed onion
Parry's green gentian
Parry's horkelia
Parry's hulsea
Parry's jepsonia
Parry's jujube
Parry's knotweed
Parry's larkspur
Parry's leafy aster
Parry's leafy aster
Parry's linanthus
Parry's lip fern
Parry's lip fern
Parry's loco weed
Parry's lomatium
Parry's mallow
Parry's mallow
Parry's marina
Parry's monkeyflower
Parry's monkeyflower
Parry's nolina
Parry's oxytrope
Parry's phacelia
Parry's pussypaws
Parry's pussypaws
Parry's pussypaws
Parry's rabbit brush
Parry's rabbitbrush
Parry's rabbitbrush
Parry's rabbitbrush
Parry's rabbitbrush
Parry's rabbitbrush
Parry's rabbitbrush
Parry's rabbitbrush
Parry's rabbitbrush
Parry's rabbitbrush
Parry's rabbitbrush
Parry's rabbitbrush
Parry's red tarplant
Parry's rush
Parry's saltbush
Parry's sandmat
Parry's sedge
Parry's spineflower
Parry's spineflower
Parry's spurge
Parry's spurge
Parry's stephanomeria
Parry's sunflower
Parry's tarweed
Parry's tarweed
Parry's tetracoccus
Parry's townsend daisy
Parry's townsendia
Parry's wirelettuce
Parry's wormwood
Parsley fern
Parsley fern
Parsnip flowered buckwheat
Parsnipflower buckwheat
Parsnipflower buckwheat
Partridge foot
Paskenta grade dwarf flax
Paso robles navarretia
Paso robles navarretia
Pasture goatsbeard
Patagonia plantain
Patterson's blue grass
Patterson's blue grass
Patterson's senecio
Patton spruce
Paulsen's russian thistle
Payne's bush lupine
Payson's draba
Payson's wild cabbage
Pea vetch
Peach thorn
Peachleaf willow
peak rush rose
Peak Rushrose
Peak Rushrose
Peak saifrage
Peak saxifrage
Peak saxifrage
Peak saxifrage
Peanut sandwort
Peanut sandwort
Peanut stitchwort
Pearl millet
Pearl wattle
Pearly everlasting
Pebble pincushion
Pebble pincushion
Pecho manzanita
Peck's blacksnakeroot
Peck's desertparsley
Peck's lomatium
Peck's sanicle
Peck's stylocline
Pedicellate phacelia
Peirson's aster
Peirson's browneyes
Peirson's clavate fruited primrose
Peirson's clavate fruited primrose
Peirson's haplopappus
Peirson's lessingia
Peirson's lessingia
Peirson's lupine
Peirson's milk vetch
Peirson's morning glory
Peirson's oreastrum aster
Peirson's paintbrush
Peirson's phacelia
Peirson's pincushion
Peirson's serpentweed
Peirson's spring beauty
Peirson's spring beauty
Peirson's springbeauty
Peirsons locoweed
Pencil cactus
Pencil cholla
Pendleton button-celery
Pendleton ceanothus
Pendleton's eryngo
Peninsular beargrass
Peninsular manzanita
Peninsular pectocarya
Peninsular spineflower
Penisula onion
Pennell's bird's beak
Pennell's panther
Pennsylvania bittercress
Pennsylvania blackberry
Pennsylvania cinquefoil
Pennsylvania cinquefoil
Pennsylvania cinquefoil
Pennsylvania cinquefoil
Pennsylvania cinquefoil
Pennsylvania everlasting
Pennsylvania pellitory
Pennsylvania smartweed
Peregrine saltbush
Peregrine thistle
Peregrine thistle
Perennial false brome
Perennial foxtail
Perennial goldfields
Perennial goldfields
Perennial goldfields
Perennial nodding microseris
Perennial pea
Perennial pearlwort
Perennial pepperweed
Perennial quakinggrass
Perennial rock cress
Perennial rockcress
Perennial rockcress
Perennial rye grass
Perennial ryegrass
Perennial sow thistle
Perennial sweet pea
Perennial veldt grass
Perennial veldtgrass
Perennial vool star
Perennial vool star
Perennial wall rocket
Perennial wallrocket
Perennial woodstar
Perennial wool star
Perez's sealavender
Perfoliate blackfoot
Perfoliate spineflower
Persian goatgrass
Persian knotweed
Persian lilac, china berry
Persistentflower phacelia
Peruvian dodder
Peruvian dodder
Peruvian groundcherry
Peruvian mock vervain
Peruvian pepper tree
Peruvian peppertree
Peruvian primrose-willow
Pestle lomatium
Pestle parsnip
Petaluma popcorn flower
Petioled fountaingrass
Petite desertdandelion
Petty spurge
Phantom orchid
Philadelphia fleabane
Philadelphia fleabane
Philbrick's desertdandelion
Philonotis moss
Phlox heliotrope
Phlox heliotrope
Phlox leaved bedstraw
Phlox leaved bedstraw
Phlox leaved bedstraw
Phloxleaf bedstraw
Phloxleaf bedstraw
Pickering's ivesia
Pierpoint springs dudleya
Pierpoint springs dudleya
Pig a back plant
Pig's ear
Pig's ear
Pig's ear
Pigmy bitter root
Pigmy tuna
Pigmy weed
Pigmy weed
Pigweed amaranth
Pillpod sandmat
Pilose paintbrush
Pima rhatany
Pimpernel willowherb
Pin cherry
Pin oak
Pin point clover
Pin point clover
Pincushion beardtongue
Pincushion beardtongue
Pincushion beardtongue
Pincushion cactus
Pincushion flower
Pincushion flower
Pincushion flower
Pincushion flower
Pincushion navarretia
Pincushion plant
Pine drops
Pine dwarf mistletoe
Pine barren flatsedge
Pine bluegrass
Pine bluegrass
Pine broom rape
Pine bush
Pine city sedum
Pine creek evening primrose
Pine creek evening-primrose
Pine cryptantha
Pine drops
Pine echium
Pine erigeron
Pine forest larkspur
Pine gilia
Pine grass
Pine green gentian
Pine green-gentian
Pine hill buckbrush
Pine hill ceanothus
Pine hill flannelbush
Pine hill fremontia
Pine indian paintbrush
Pine lousewort
Pine mat manzanita
Pine mistletoe
Pine mistletoe
Pine needle toad flax
Pine needlegrass
Pine pyrrocoma
Pine rockcress
Pine rose
Pine stipa
Pine violet
Pine violet
Pine violet
Pine violet
Pine violet
Pine wavy leaf paintbrush
Pine woods fritillary
Pine woods lousewort
Pine-mat manzanita
Pineapple guava
Pineapple weed
Pineapple weed
Pineapple weed
Pinegrove gayophytum
Pinegrove groundsmoke
Pineland buckwheat
Pinemat manzanita
Pineneedle milkweed
Pineneedle toadflax
Pinewoods broom rape
Pinewoods broom rape
Pinewoods cryptantha
Pinewoods fingergrass
Pinewoods fritillary
Pinewoods holboell's rock cress
Pinewoods horkelia
Pinewoods horkelia
Pinewoods lousewort
Pinewoods needle grass
Pinewoods needlegrass
Pineywoods dropseed
Pink alumroot
Pink alumroot
Pink alumroot
Pink alumroot
Pink alumroot
Pink bracted manzanita
Pink butter 'n' eggs
Pink creamsacs
Pink cudweed
Pink cudweed
Pink evening primrose
Pink everlasting
Pink fairy lanterns
Pink flowering currant
Pink funnel lily
Pink grass
Pink grass
Pink honeysuckle
Pink honeysuckle
Pink honeysuckle
Pink johnny-nip
Pink mountainheath
Pink queen
Pink rockrose
Pink sand verbena
Pink sand verbena
Pink sand verbena
Pink sand-verbena
Pink spineflower
Pink star tulip
Pink stickseed
Pink teddy bear cholla
Pink teddy-bear cholla
Pink tickseed
Pink velvet mallow
Pink velvetmallow
Pink whispering bells
Pink wintergreen
Pink woodland star
Pink woodland star
Pink-margined monkeyflower
Pinkbracted manzanita
Pinkhead smartweed
Pinkray fremont's gold
Pinnacles buckwheat
Pinnate false brome
Pinnate leaved lotus
Pinnate leaved navarretia
Pinnate leaved ornithopus
Pinnate leaved primrose
Pinnate leaved primrose
Pinnate lotus
Pinnate lotus
Pinnate-leaved navarretia
Pinoche creek larkspur
Pinoche creek larkspur
Pinoche creek larkspur
Pinole clover
Pinole clover
Pinon brickellia
Pinon pine
Pinon wormwood
Pinpoint clover
Pinpoint clover
Pinto beardtongue
Pinto beardtongue
Pinto beardtongue
Pinto triteleia
Pinto violet
Pinyon beardtongue
Pinyon blazing star
Pinyon blazingstar
Pinyon broomrape
Pinyon desert cryptantha
Pinyon dwarf mistletoe
Pinyon gayophytum
Pinyon gilia
Pinyon goosefoot
Pinyon groundsmoke
Pinyon mariposa
Pinyon rock cress
Pinyon rock cress
Pinyon rockcress
Pinzl's rock cress
Pinzl's rock cress
Pioneer rockcress
Pioneer rockcress
Pioneer rockcress
Pioneer violet
Pioneertown linanthus
Piorkowski's clover
Pious daisy
Piper's barberry
Piper's blue grass
Piper's bluegrass
Piper's buxbaumia moss
Piper's desert lantern
Piper's evening primrose
Piper's lomatium
Piper's woodrush
Pismo clarkia
Pismo manzanita
Pistachio nut
Pit seed goosefoot
Pit seed goosefoot
Pitch pine
Pitch pine
Pitgland tarweed
Pitkin marsh indian paintbrush
Pitkin marsh lily
Pitseed goosefoot
Pitted beardgrass
Pitted onion
Pitted onion
Piute buckwheat
Piute buckwheat
Piute cypress
Piute cypress
Piute cypress
Piute morning glory
Piute mountains triteleia
Piute mtns. jewel flower
Piute mtns. navarretia
Plain leaf fawn lily
Plain mariposa lily
Plains bluegrass
Plains evening primrose
Plains flax
Plains lovegrass
Plains pricklypear
Plantain goldenweed
Plantain goldenweed
Plantain goldenweed
Plantainleaf buttercup
Plantainleaf buttercup
Plantainleaf buttercup
Plateau evening primrose
Plateau evening primrose
Playa milk vetch
Playa phacelia
Playa yellow phacelia
Pleasant valley mariposa lily
Pleated gentian
Pleated gentian
Pleuridium moss
Plicate coldenia
Plumas alpine aster
Plumas county beardtongue
Plumas ivesia
Plumas lupine
Plumas mousetail
Plume acacia
Plumed jewelflower
Plumed jewelflower
Plumeless thistle
Plumeless thistle
Plummer's baccharis
Plummer's baccharis
Plummer's cliff fern
Plummer's clover
Plummer's clover
Plummer's lomatium
Plummer's lomatium
Plummer's mariposa lily
Plummer's woodsia
Plump seeded madia
Plumpseeded madia
Point reyes bent grass
Point reyes bird's beak
Point reyes bird's-beak
Point reyes blennosperma
Point reyes ceanothus
Point reyes ceanothus
Point reyes ceanothus
Point reyes checkerbloom
Point reyes horkelia
Point reyes lupine
Point Reyes meadowfoam
Point reyes paintbrush
Pointed broom sedge
Pointed broomsedge
Pointed cryptantha
Pointed cupgrass
Pointed dodder
Pointed hemicarpha
Pointed rockcress
Pointed rush
Pointleaf manzanita
Poison angelica
Poison canyon stickseed
Poison hemlock
Poison oak
Poison sanicle
Poison wild lettuce
Poke knotweed
Pokeweed knotweed
Pokeweed knotweed
Pole butterflybush
Polished blazingstar
Polished willow
Pomona milk vetch
Pomona milkvetch
Pond water starwort
Ponderosa pine
Pony beebalm
Poodle dog bush
Poodle-dog bush
Pool orache
Pool oracle
Popcorn flower
Popcorn flower
Popcorn flower
Popcorn flower
Popcorn flower
Popcorn flower
Popcorn lichen
Popular buttercup
Port orford cedar
Port orford cedar
Porter's muhly
Portugal laurel
Portuguese broom
Portuguese daisy
Post cedar
Post oak
Pot marigold
Pouzin's purple star thistle
Pouzin's star-thistle
Poverty brome
Poverty dropseed
Poverty grass
Poverty grass
Poverty rush
Poverty rush
Poverty three awn
Poverty weed
Powdery liveforever
Powell's amaranth
Powell's amaranth
Prairie bulrush
Prairie cupgrass
Prairie flax
Prairie flax
Prairie flax
Prairie fleabane
Prairie fleabane
Prairie fleabane
Prairie junegrass
Prairie plantain
Prairie plantain
Prairie rush
Prairie sagewort
Prairie smoke
Prairie star
Prairie sumac
Prairie sunflower
Prairie sunflower
Prairie thistle
Prairie threeawn
Prairie wedge grass
Prairie wedgescale
Prairie woodland star
Prairie woundwort
Pratten's buckwheat
Pratten's buckwheat
Presidio clarkia
Presidio manzanita
Presidio manzanita
Presl's sedge
Preston peak rock cress
pretty blue woolly star
Pretty face
Preuss' milkvetch
Preuss's milk vetch
Preuss's milk vetch
Prickle cone pine
Pricklefruit buttercup
Prickly comfrey
Prickly coyote thistle
Prickly cryptantha
Prickly cryptantha
Prickly cryptantha
Prickly currant
Prickly fanpetals
Prickly goldenfleece
Prickly hawkweed
Prickly lettuce
Prickly moses
Prickly pear
Prickly phlox
Prickly phlox
Prickly popcorn flower
Prickly poppy
Prickly poppy
Prickly russian thistle
Prickly sandwort
Prickly sandwort
Prickly sow thistle
Prickly spineflower
Prickly spiralgrass
Prickly wild lettuce
Prickly-leaf teatree
Prickly-nut cryptantha
Pride of barbados
Pride of california
Pride of madeira
Priest valley spineflower
Primrose monkeyflower
Primrose monkeyflower
Primrose monkeyflower
Primrose monkeyflower
Primrose monkeyflower
Primrose monkeyflower
Primrose monkeyflower
Primrose monkeyflower
Prince s rock cress
Prince's plume
Prince's plume
Prince's plume
Pringle eriophyllum
Pringle manzanita
Pringle's amaranth
Pringle's bird's beak
Pringle's blue grass
Pringle's bluegrass
Pringle's monardella
Pringle's phacelia
Pringle's willow herb
Pringle's woolly sunflower
Productive clover
Profuse flowered pogogyne
Profuseflower mesamint
Proliferating bulrush
Proliferous pink
Propose sedge
Prostrate amaranth
Prostrate buckwheat
Prostrate buckwheat
prostrate cape weed
Prostrate chamise
Prostrate clarkia
Prostrate coastal goldenbush
Prostrate hutchinsia
Prostrate knotweed
Prostrate knotweed
Prostrate knotweed
Prostrate knotweed
Prostrate knotweed
Prostrate knotweed
Prostrate navarretia
Prostrate pepper grass
Prostrate pigweed
Prostrate pincushionplant
Prostrate sandmat
Prostrate sandmat
Prostrate spineflower
Prostrate spurge
Prostrate valley cholla
Protruding buckwheat
Providence Mountain milkvetch
Providence mountains lotus
Providence mtns. lotus
Pt. reyes bird's beak
Pt. reyes checkerbloom
Pt. reyes sidalcea
Pt. reyes sidalcea
Pubescent common vetch
Pubescent evening primrose
Pubescent fruited buttercup
Pubescent lemmon's needlegrass
Pubescent needle grass
Pubescent needle grass
Pubescent needlegrass
Pubescent western needlegrass
Pubescent wheatgrass
Puff calyx gilia
Puff calyx gilia
Puff calyx gilia
Puffcalyx gilia
Puffcalyx gilia
Puffcalyx gilia
Puffsheath dropseed
Pullup muhly
Pulsifer's milk vetch
Pulsifer's milk vetch
Pulsifer's monkeyflower
Pulvinate dry rock moss
Pulvinate phlox
Pumice alpinegold
Pumice alpinegold
Pumice alpinegold
Pumice alpinegold
Pumice alpinegold
Pumice buckwheat
Pumice hulsea
Pumice hulsea
Pumice sandwort
Pumpelly's brome
Puna needle grass
Punch bowl godetia
Punctate onion
Punctate rabbitbrush
Punctate smartweed
Puncture vine
Pungent brickellbush
Pungent brickellbush
Pungent glossopetalon
Punjab fig
Purdy's brodiaea
Purdy's foothill penstemon
Purdy's fritillary
Purdy's iris
Purdy's iris
Purdy's onion
Purple african nightshade
Purple amaranth
Purple amaranth
Purple ammannia
Purple amole
Purple amole
Purple awned wallaby grass
Purple bell phacelia
Purple bird's beak
Purple blue grass
Purple broomrape
Purple cestrum
Purple checkerbloom
Purple chinese houses
Purple chinese houses
Purple chinese houses
Purple clarkia
Purple clarkia
Purple clarkia
Purple clarkia
Purple crownvetch
Purple cudweed
Purple cushion buckwheat
Purple cymopterus
Purple dead nettle
Purple deadnettle
Purple desert lupine
Purple everlasting
Purple eyed grass
Purple fairy lantern
Purple false brome
Purple false gilia
Purple false gilyflower
Purple false horkelia
Purple fawn lily
Purple field hedge parsley
Purple flowered washington lily
Purple foxglove
Purple fritillary
Purple globelily
Purple godetia
Purple horkelia
Purple houndstongue
Purple loco weed
Purple loosestrife
Purple marsh cinquefoil
Purple mat
Purple mat
Purple mat
Purple mat
Purple milkweed
Purple milkweed
Purple mountain parsley
Purple mountainheath
Purple mountainparsley
Purple mouse ears
Purple mouse ears
Purple nama
Purple navarretia
Purple needle grass
Purple needlegrass
Purple nightshade
Purple onion grass
Purple oniongrass
Purple owl's clover
Purple owl's clover
Purple owl's clover
Purple owl's clover
Purple oxalis
Purple pampas grass
Purple pitcherplant
Purple pitcherplant
Purple reedgrass
Purple root cryptantha
Purple rooted forget me not
Purple sage
Purple salsify
Purple sand spurry
Purple sand verbena
Purple sanicle
Purple sarracenia
Purple sarracenia
Purple speargrass
Purple spikerush
Purple spot gilia
Purple star thistle
Purple stipa
Purple sweet cicely
Purple sweetroot
Purple three awn
Purple three awn
Purple threeawn
Purple threeawn
Purple throat gilia
Purple toad flax
Purple toadflax
Purple top vervain
Purple tussockgrass
Purple vetch
Purple western morning glory
Purple woodsorrel
Purpleanther field pepperweed
Purplebeak owl's clover
Purpleflower honeysuckle
Purplelip pansy monkeyflower
Purplenerve springparsley
Purpleosier willow
Purplespot gilia
Purplestem phacelia
Purpletop vervain
Purpletop vervain
Purpletop vervain
Purpus' buckwheat
Purpus' cryptantha
Purpus' gilia
Purpus' phacelia
Pursh loco milkvetch
Pursh seepweed
Pursh's milk vetch
Pursh's milk vetch
Pursh's milk vetch
Pursh's milk vetch
Pursh's milk vetch
Pursh's sheeppod
Pursh's wallflower
Purslane speedwell
Pussy paws
Pussy paws
Pussy toes
Pussy willow
Pygmy alpinegold
Pygmy cypress
Pygmy cypress
Pygmy cypress
Pygmy fleabane
Pygmy gentian
Pygmy hulsea
Pygmy leptosiphon
Pygmy linanthus
Pygmy linanthus
Pygmy linanthus
Pygmy linanthus
Pygmy lotus
Pygmy lotus
Pygmy manzanita
Pygmy manzanita
Pygmy monkey flower
Pygmy mountainparsley
Pygmy poppy
Pygmy poppy
Pygmy poppy
Pygmy poppy
Pygmy pussypaws
Pygmy rock jasmine
Pygmy rose
Pygmy saxifrage
Pygmyflower cryptantha
Pygmyflower rockjasmine
Pygmyflower rockjasmine
Pyramid bugle
Pyrenean sedge
Pyrenean sedge