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Diplacus parryi is an annual herb that is native to California, and also found elsewhere in western North America.
[Wikipedia] Range, Blossom Colors: Diplacus parryi, also known as Parry's monkeyflower or annual red spot monkeyflower,[1] is a species of flowering plant.[2] This plant is native to southwestern North America.[3] This monkeyflower produces both pink and yellow blossoms.[1] (link added by Mary Ann Machi)
2023 Steve Matson:!2022 Steve Matson:!2022 Steve Matson:!2022 Steve Matson:!2019 Steve Matson:!2019 Matt Berger:!2023 Steve Matson:!2023 Bob Steele:!2019 Steve Matson:!2019 Matt Berger:!
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Information on California plants for education, research and conservation,
with data contributed by
public and private institutions and individuals.
[web application]. 2024. Berkeley, California:The Calflora Database
[a non-profit organization].Available:
https://www.calflora.org/(Accessed: 12/27/2024).