Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District LandUse Learning Center
KEYWORDS: native habitat
demonstration garden
The LandUse Learning Center (LLC) is a demonstration garden that exhibits sustainable* practices for the three main land uses of southern California: native habitats, urban areas, and agriculture. The Native Habitat area depicts four dwindling local plant communities of inland western Riverside and San Bernardino Counties: riparian, coastal-sage scrub, chaparral, and oak woodland. Learn about the plants and animals of inland southern California.
http://www.rcrcd.com/ The Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District (RCRCD) is a local government agency that helps conserve the natural resources (soil, water, plants, and wildlife) of areas within western Riverside and San Bernardino Counties in southern California. The District provides technical advice to land users, educational programs for the community, and conducts on-the-land conservation projects.
Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District:
LandUse Learning Center The three garden areas demonstrate ways that land management practices, wise land use planning, and retrofits can be used to create urban and agro-ecosystems that function more like healthy natural ecosystems.