Alyssum corsicum is an annual herb that is not native to California.
There is a high risk of this plant becoming invasive in California according to Cal-IPC.
[] Ecological threat: Ecological Threat
A. corsicum has the potential to crowd out and displace native plants including rare species. It can be found in pastures, fields, and waste areas. A. corsicum is a hyperaccumulator (plants that extract metals from the soil), sometimes used to remove heavy metals from contaminated sites. Hyperaccumulators are highly toxic, containing concentrations of their target metals far in excess of levels considered toxic to cattle, sheep, swine and chickens. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)
Information on California plants for education, research and conservation,
with data contributed by
public and private institutions and individuals.
[web application]. 2024. Berkeley, California:The Calflora Database
[a non-profit organization].Available: 12/22/2024).