[Cal-IPC] Australia native, Description: Acacia saligna (golden wreath wattle, orange wattle) is a shrubby tree in the pea family (Fabaceae) that is native to Australia. It is grown as an ornamental and has become naturalized in coastal and southern California as well as in other Mediterranean climates in South Africa, parts of southern Europe, and where it is not native in southeastern Australia. Plants can reproduce vegetatively and produce copious amounts of seed. Its dense canopy can shade out other plants. Wildfire favors its spread by promoting regrowth and germination.
Cal-IPC Rating: Watch (link added by Mary Ann Machi)
[Cal-IPC] Invasive: This is a shrubby tree native to Australia. It has been noted as invasive in areas with a similar climate to the study area, California. It is known to outcompete native species, spread vegetatively and produce an abundance of seed, though there was not a good source of information about seed dispersal. The species is fairly well documented and there was adequate information available based on its history of invading native vegetation in South Africa. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)