Observation Search
lets you search for georeferenced observations of wild plants and see them on a map.
It also show photos associated with observations.
To use the application, click on the
map in an area of interest ,
zoom in, and press .
If you want to qualify what observations are returned,
enter some criteria, such as
Native Status = native.
Geographical Extent:
in map area
to limit the search to the current map area.
Or, open POLYGON
to specify an exact geographical search space.
To find all records in a particular park,
press LAYERS
at the top of the page,
choose Region / Protected Area (CPAD),
and then click
inside one of the parks or forests that appear on the map.
The name of the selected area will appear on the left at
the top of the map:
36.2709, -121.8315
Andrew Molera State Park (CDPR)
The results appear simultaneously in a table and as icons
on the map.
On the map, the default legend theme is Record Type.
The following icons are used to indicate what kind of record it is.
These icons apply when the value of Documentation is reported:
Indicates a simple point.
Indicates an obscured point.
Indicates a record with a line or polygon.
Indicates a survey or checklist.
Indicates a quad (for certain
plants in certain areas, only quad-level data is available).
This icon applies when the value of Documentation is specimen:
Indicates a specimen record.
This icon applies when the value of Documentation is potential habitat:
Indicates a record of potential habitat.
These icons apply if you have asked for zero count records or questionable records
to be included in the results:
Indicates a record with Number of Plants equal to zero.
Indicates a questionable record.
If you click on a point
on the map,
an InfoWindow opens at the point,
the table scrolls down to
the corresponding record,
and the record is highlighted.
If you click on the purple crayon for a record in the table,
an InfoWindow opens at the corresponding map point,
and a short menu opens up under the record.
Open the detail page for this record, including all photos and any comments
that may have been made on this record.
Open the Plant Distribution application
showing a close up view of the record location.
It will show the polygon associated with this record, if there is one,
and any nearby observations of the same plant.
comment (Calflora):
Open the detail page for this record showing comments if any.
If you are signed into Calflora you can add a new comment.
This also works on CCH2 records.
This application can show at most
2500 observation simultaneously.
If a particular search produces more,
the application will only show the first 2500.
Choosing Which Columns to Display
To show results in a table,
the application comes with several predefined
column sets. The default column set is called Basic, and includes a small photo, if one is available.
The column set called Photo View includes a larger version of the photo.
The column set called Basic + Accuracy has no photo but includes two fields that
indicate the spatial accuracy of the record: Location Quality (low, medium or high)
and Error Radius (meters).
You can also make up a custom column set: open
and choose the columns you want.
See this
Data Dictionary
for an explanation of all available columns.
If an observation has more than one photo,
then a white number appears in the upper left of the photo indicating how
many additional photos are part of this observation:
Click on a column title to sort the results by that column.
The first time you click, the results are sorted in ascending order,
and the column head turns green. The second time you click, the
results are sorted in descending order, and the column head turns orange.
Which Records are Excluded?
These types of records are excluded by default:
records with zero plants
questionable records
records where the value of Documentation is potential habitat
records where the value of Natural Status is not wild.
You can choose to include these types of records by setting the appropriate criteria.
Scientific Name:
Typeahead enabled. Type the first few letters of the plant
you are looking for, and then choose it from the list.
Typeahead also works with Common Name.
When are alternate scientific names included in a search?
When you specify a complete scientific name, such as
Frangula californica ssp. tomentella, the search
results will also include alternate names of that plant,
if they are equivalent.
So for instance, a search for this plant
will include records of Rhamnus tomentella.
(To see exactly which plant names are included for any particular plant, go to the
Taxon Report for the plant, and look at the list of
Alternate Names in the Name Status section.
Name Status Help
for an explanation of how Calflora tracks accepted and alternate names.)
A plant name is referred to as a parent when
there are recognized subspecies or varieties.
So for instance,
Frangula californica is a parent, because
it has several subspecies (Frangula californica ssp. crassifolia etc.).
When you search for a parent name, all subspecies and varieties are
included in the search results.
Any alternate names of the parent are also included in the search results,
as well as any alternate names of its subspecies and varieties.
Other Data Sources:
By default, a search from this application will
consider records contributed directly to Calflora.
to include data
from other sources including the
Consortium of California Herbaria (CCH2),
the Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria,
Photos: Choose records with photos if you only want to see
records that have photos. Some records have more than one photo,
and only the first one is shown in the results --
press detail to see all of the photos for an observation.
Start Date, End Date:
Use one, or the other, or both of these criteria to bracket
the Observation Date of records you are interested in.
Dates are entered in the format YYYY-MM-DD
so that April 15, 2019 is written as 2019-04-15.
If you enter
2019-05-20 as the end date, the result will include
records that were entered on or before 2019-05-20.
If you put the same date in both
Start Date and End Date,
the results will only include records entered on that date.
include surveys/checklists: By default, survey and checklist records are not included in the
results. Check this box if you want them to be included.
Location Description
Some observation records have useful information in the Location Description field.
Enter a short phrase to find any records
that contain that phrase in the Location Description field.
For additional search criteria, open
Phenology: Some contributors specify the phenology
(for instance, Flowering) of the plant when they enter a record.
Use this criterion to find records with a particular phenology.
Plant List:
To limit your search to certain specific plants,
choose a plant list. Look for already defined plant lists
with the
Plant List Definition application, or define your own.
Click on the view link to see an illustrated version of
the plant list.
Natural Status:
any WILD (the default value)
PLANTED PLANTED - restoration site uncertain
Indexed After, Before:
Use one, or the other, or both of these criteria to bracket
the Index Date (date added to Calflora) of records you are interested in.
Dates are entered in the format YYYY-MM-DD
so that April 15, 2023 is written as 2023-04-15.
The source organization responsible for collecting the record.
The category of plants you are looking for. One of
any angiosperm fern gymnosperm lycophyte alga bryophyte lichen
Choose only vascular plants to eliminate algae, bryophytes and lichens.
See also
About Calflora Categories.
Photo Contest Category:
One of
any Calchortus Grasses + grasslike plants Any other flowering plant Gymnosperms Ferns + Bryophytes
To make judging easier, observations entered into the May photo contest are divided into these five categories.
There is a winner in each category.
In past years there have been many entries of the various Calochortus species;
this year they have their own category.
History Filter:
A history stack is a way of organizing
multiple records concerning the condition of a single patch over time.
In a history stack, all of the records concerning the patch are linked back to the earliest, or root, record.
When a history filter option has been chosen, a single record will be returned for
each stack.
This criterion has three options:
all records
only the most recent
only reference records
only the most recent:
A single record (the most recent) will be returned for each history stack.
Two columns appear at the beginning of the result set: Root and Most Recent. When historical information is available about a population, the Root record will be the oldest, and the Most Recent record will be the newest.
When a history stack is not available, the record ID appears in the Most Recent column.
(When there is only one record of a population, that record is both the earliest and the most recent.)
only reference records:
The search is limited to those records which have a population record with a reference polygon,
chosen from one of the polygons in the associated history stack.
The record associated with the reference polygon will be returned.
Number of Plants:
at least one: (the default value) 1 or more plants were reported.
zero: 0 plants were reported within a certain area.
any: Any value.
include questionable records:
Some observation records have been identified as questionable by Calflora users.
By default, these are not included in the results. Check this box if you want them to be included.
How this record is documented.
An observation of this plant at this location was submitted to Calflora directly or indirectly.
A specimen of this plant from this location is in an herbarium's collection, or has been submitted to an herbarium.
potential habitat
This plant is suspected to be at this location.
The default value is reported or specimen.
Choose any if you want to include records of potential habitat as well.
The Ageratina record is part of a history stack, and the Ehrharta record is not.
LEGEND (AKA Symbology)
to control which colored icons are used to represent records
on the map.
In addtion to the default Record Type theme,
there are three other themes available: Plant Name,Management Status,
and Plant Count.
For these three, if a polygon is available for a particular
observation, it can be displayed in a color that matches the icon.
The Plant Name Theme
Once this theme is selected,
open Plants with Icons
and press .
Enter the name of a plant, choose an icon, and press
For instance, you might pick the red square icon
to represent Rubus armeniacus.
Here is an
showing eight weeds recently mapped by Marin County Parks
in the Roy's Redwoods Open Space Preserve:
If you choose the large white square as an icon for a plant, then no icon will be displayed on the map.
Once you have assigned colored icons to particular plants,
you can save your choices as color scheme, and use it again later.
The Management Status Theme
You can view observations acording to their management status using
the following icons:
The Plant Count Theme
You can view observations acording to the value of Number of Plants
using the following icons:
Drawing a Polygon
You can draw a polygon on the map to limit the search area.
and click .
Then click on the map to lay down the vertices.
Click when your polygon is complete.
For a step-by-step explanation of the process of drawing your own search polygon, see
Drawing a Polygon.
If the polygon you drew might be useful later, you can save it by name.
enter an name, and press .
You can see all of your saved polygons in the
Shape Editor application.
Using a Saved Polygon
If you know the ID of the polygon you want to use, enter it in the
Shape ID box and press .
Your named search polygons will appear in the drop down so that you can choose one by name.
in polygon
There are many background map layers available.
If you select one of the following layers, you can
search within the selected background polygon:
Protected Area (CPAD)
Jepson Bioregion
CNPS Chapter
Zip Code
USGS Quadrangle
in selected area
Generate a photo essay from the current results.
See About Photo Essays.
Choose a format, and press .
The current results will be downloaded with all columns that are currently showing.
Note that the
Location Quality
field is included in all downloads.
If the value of Location Quality is high, the plant really was seen at the specified coordinates.
If the value is medium or low, however, the coordinates indicate the
general area in which the plant was found, and not a specific location.
These records are useful for landscape level analysis of plant distribution.
Downloading CCH Records
If your search includes records from the
Consortium of California Herberia (CCH)
special conditions apply. These conditions are part of the Memorandum of Understanding between
Calflora and the CCH which allows Calflora users to download CCH data.
First, all of the records from the CCH will be grouped together in the downloaded file.
Second, two other fields will be included in the results, Source and Citation.
Source and Citation should be included in any subsequent use of any downloaded record.
For CCH records, the value of Citation is, for example:
Consortium of California Herbaria [CCH]. 2023. Specimen data from CCH contributing herbaria.
Retrieved from Calflora Oct 01, 2023.
The value of Source is the abbreviated name of the herbarium.
Abbreviated Name
BLM Arcata Field Office
BLMAR - BLM Arcata Field Office Herbarium
BLM Eagle Lake
ELH - BLM, Eagle Lake Field Office Herbarium
BLM Redding
BLMRD - BLM Herbarium - Redding FO
Blodgett Forest
BFRS - Blodgett Forest Research Station
CA Dept. Food & Agriculture
CDA - California Department of Food and Agriculture
CAPR Colorado Desert District
BSCA - Colorado Desert District, California Department of Parks and Recreation
CSU Chico
CHSC - CSU Chico, Chico State Herbarium - Vascular Plants
CSU Chico
CHSC - CSU Chico, Chico State Herbarium - Lichens
CSU Chico
CHSC - CSU Chico, Chico State Herbarium - Bryophytes
CSU Fresno
FSC - Fresno State Herbarium
CSU Fullerton
MACF - MacFadden Herbarium, California State University Fullerton
CSU Humboldt
HSC - Humboldt State University Vascular Plant Herbarium
CSLA - Cal State LA Herbarium
CSU Long Beach
LOB - California State University, Long Beach Herbarium
CSU Northridge
SFV - California State University, Northridge
CSU Sacramento
SACT - California State University, Sacramento
CSU San Bernardino
CSUSB - California State University San Bernardino
CSU Stanlislaus
SHTC - CSU Stanislaus Herbarium
Cal Academy
CAS - California Academy of Sciences Vascular Plants
Cal Academy
CAS - California Academy of Sciences Bryophytes
Cal BG
RSA - California Botanic Garden Herbarium
Cal BG
RSA - California Botanic Garden - Bryophytes
Cal Poly
OBI - Robert F. Hoover Herbarium, Cal Poly State University
Catalina Island Conservatory
CATA - Catalina Island Conservancy Herbarium Vascular Plants
Catalina Island Conservatory
CATA - Catalina Island Conservancy Herbarium Algae
Granite Mountains
GMDRC - Sweeney Granite Mountains Desert Research Center
Green Diamond Resource Co.
GDRC - Green Diamond Resource Co.
Harvard University Herbaria
Harvard University Herbaria: Vascular Plants (California, Oregon, Mexico)
Hopland Research Center
HREC - Hopland Research and Extension Center
Huntington BG
HNT - Huntington Botanical Gardens Herbarium
Inyo NF
INF - Inyo National Forest Herbarium, Bishop
Jasper Ridge
JROH - Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve, Stanford University
Joshua Tree NP
JOTR - Joshua Tree National Park
Klamath NF
KNFY - Klamath National Forest Herbarium
Lassen Volcanic NP
LVNP - Lassen Volcanic National Park, U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Mendocino College Coast Center
MCCC - Mendocino College Coast Center Herbarium
Oregon State University
OSC - Oregon State University Vascular Plant Collection
Pacific Grove Museum
PGM - Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History
Pacific Union
PUA - Pacific Union College Hebarium
Pasadena City College
PASA - Pasadena City College Herbarium
Pepperwood Preserve
PPWD - Stephen J. Barnhart Herbarium at Pepperwood Preserve
Riverside Metro Museum
CLARK - Riverside Metropolitan Museum, Clark Herbarium
SD - SD Herbarium, San Diego Natural History Museum
SDSU Herbarium
SDSU - San Diego State University Herbarium
SFSU - Vascular Plants of the Harry D. Thiers Herbarium at San Francisco State University
SJSU - Carl W. Sharsmith Herbarium, San Jose State University
SCFS - Sagehen Herbarium
Salmon/Scott District, USFS
SSRD - Salmon/Scott Ranger District, USFS, Fort Jones, CA
Santa Barbara BG
SBBG - Clifton Smith Herbarium, Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
Sequoia and Kings Canyon NP
THRI - Herbarium of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
Shata-Trinity NF
STNF - Shasta-Trinity National Forest Herbarium
Sierra Pacific
SPIF - Sierra Pacific Industries-Forestry
Sonoma State University
NCC - Sonoma State University Herbarium
Southern Oregon University
SOC - Southern Oregon University Herbarium
U Nevada, Las Vegas
UNLV - University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Wesley E. Niles Herbarium
U Nevada, Reno
RENO - University of Nevada, Reno Herbarium
UC Davis
DAV - UC Davis Herbarium
UC Riverside
UCR - University of California, Riverside Herbarium - Vascular Plants
UC Riverside
UCR - University of California, Riverside Herbarium - Lichens
UC, Epling Collection
UCJEPS, LA in UC - University Herbarium, Epling Collection, University of California, Berkeley
UCJEPS - University and Jepson Herbaria, University of California, Berkeley
IRVC - University of California, Irvine Herbarium
LA - University of California, Los Angeles Herbarium
UCSB - University of California Santa Barbara Herbarium
UCSC Herbarium - Kenneth S. Norris Center for Natural History, University of California Santa Cruz
US Smithsonian
US - Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History
Victor Valley College
VVC - Victor Valley College
Yosemite NP
YM - Yosemite National Park
You can save an Observation Search search and run it again later.
To save the current search, open
Choose a name for the search, and press .
You can also restore a previously saved search from here.
Here are some examples illustrating the various features of this application.
Presence and absence of Dittrichia graveolens, Rush Creek Preserve, Marin County.
This search uses
Plant Count symbology theme.
Places where zero plants were found are indicated by a gray diamond icon
2022 April v 4.46
Natural Status is a new search criterion.
2022 March v 4.44
This application shows bryphyte data from the Consortium of North American Bryphyte Herbaria.
2021 October v 4.41
CCH2 data is downloadable.
2021 May v 4.36
This application shows data from CCH2 instead of from CCH1.
2021 May v 4.34
There is a PHOTO ESSAY function in the Tools menu.
2021 February v 4.30
There is a DOWNLOAD RESULTS function in the Tools menu.
2020 December v 4.21
SYMBOLOGY has been renamed LEGEND. To see the current legend, or to change legend themes,
in the top left corner of the map.
2020 November v 4.19
Two new advanced search criteria: include questionable records and Documentation.
2020 October v 4.17
A new advanced search criterion: Number of Plants.
A new symbology theme: Plant Count.
2020 April v 4.04
The resize thumb -- a control to change the height of the map-- is back!
Find it in the lower left corner of the map.
2019 July v 3.83.
There is a new predefined column set called Basic + Accuracy which includes two fields that
indicate the spatial accuracy of the record: Location Quality (low, medium or high)
and Error Radius (meters).
2018 November v 3.49
In the table of results, all columns are sortable.
Click once to sort in ascending order (green); click again
to sort in descending order (orange).
The column headers are pinned to the top of the page when you scroll down.
2018 September v 3.40
The Symbology control is available under TOOLS.
2016 August
This application will only work with search polygons that
have fewer than 3,000 vertices.
If you have a search polygon with more than 3,000 vertices,
consider trying to simplify it, or use another approach
such as searching in more than one county.
2016 July
When you define a custom column set,
it is stored in browser memory, and will be used
the next time you use this application from the same browser,
You can now specify more than one county as search criteria.
2015 October
When you select a plant list,
a view link appears.
Click on this link to see an illustrated version of
the plant list.
2015 June
History Filter included as a selection criterion.
2014 June
Map Layers has a new look:
open Climate to find a particular climate layer, such as Warm Months.
Open Region to find a region layer, such as Watershed.