Data Set:
lit_summary |
Botanical Literature Summary of Reported Ranges |
Last Modified:
2001-02-17 |
Modified By:
Tony Morosco |
Original Data was in the following format from the CalFlora Taxon table:
Field | Value |
calrecnum | 3 |
regioncode | F1F1FFFFFFF1FFF11111111FFFFFFFFF11111111FFFFFFFFFFFF11111111111111111111111111111F1FFFFFFFFFFF00 |
source | Lum/Walker/Munz68 |
Presence and absence in the 94 sub-county regions indicated using these codes:
The regioncode field was modified several times during it's existence in the CalFlora species table, updating it using several sources. The most prominent of these updates utilized the publication and taxonomic delineation changes of The Jepson Manual (1993) and the CNPS Electronic Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants (1994). All updates were documented in the source field of the CalFlora taxon table.calrecnum, county, code, source, orig_countyNote that while 'F' or 'not present' records were translated, they are held in reserve until such time as the CalFlora Occurrence database are modified to handle negative reports. At that time this dataset can be evaluated as to whether a 'F' is a valid negative observation (evidence of absence, or absence of evidence).
1, MUL, F, Lum/Munz68,Dennis/CNPS94, CI
1, DNT, F, Lum/Munz68,Dennis/CNPS94, DNT
1, HUM, F, Lum/Munz68,Dennis/CNPS94, HUMw
1, HUM, F, Lum/Munz68,Dennis/CNPS94, HUMe
1, SIS, 1, Lum/Munz68,Dennis/CNPS94, SISn
1, SIS, 1, Lum/Munz68,Dennis/CNPS94, SISw
1, SIS, F, Lum/Munz68,Dennis/CNPS94, SISc
CalFlora field name | type | Data |
seq_num | SERIAL UNIQUE, | serial number (unique across datasets) |
dataset | varchar(16), | "lit_summary" |
source | varchar(255), | "Botanical Literature Summary of Reported
Range" |
source_id | varchar(32), | -- |
dset_seq_num | integer, | (serial numberunique to dataset) |
orig_nomen | varchar(64), | "Jepson" |
index_date | date, | "2001-02-15" |
observ_type | varchar(32), | "secondary_source" |
doc_type | varchar(16), | "litarature" |
rslvd_taxon | varchar(128), | [calflora]![taxon] |
rslvd_genus | varchar(64), | [calflora]![genus] |
rslvd_specif_epith | varchar(64), | [calflora]![species] |
rslvd_species_auth | varchar(128), | [calflora]![author1] |
rslvd_infra_rank | varchar(4), | [calflora]![rank] |
rslvd_infra_epith | varchar(64), | [calflora]![var_ssp] |
rslvd_infra_author | varchar(128), | [calflora]![author2] |
namesoup | varchar(255), | -- |
county | char(3), | [lum_obs]![county] |
lat | real, | -- |
long | real, | -- |
utm_zone | integer, | -- |
utm10_x | real, | -- |
utm10_y | real, | -- |
elevation | integer, | -- |
elev_source | varchar(16), | -- |
site_info_avail | varchar(255) | -- |
plot_id | varchar(32), | -- |
plot_size | real, | -- |
observ_date | date, | Jepson Manual modified
records: "1993-01-01" all others: "1968-01-01" |
date_prec | varchar(16), | "exactyear" (as a published work, not
observation date) |
auth_collector | varchar(255), | [lum_obs]![source] |
collctn | varchar(255), | "Based on Lum(1975) extraction from
Munz(1968)" & IIf([Lum-obs]![source] Like "*mono*"," including additional
data from unspecified monographs","") & IIf([Lum-obs]![source] Like "*Walker*",",
modified by Walker(1992)","") & IIf([Lum-obs]![source] Like "*calflora*",",
adjusted for taxonomic changes with information from the Jepson Manual(1993)","")
& "." |
orig_name | varchar(255), | [calflora]![taxon] (Lum's taxon names
have been disassociated through taxonomic changes and numerous data transformations) |
orig_plants | char(8), | -- |
orig_adp | char(8), | -- |
best_georef_location (was: orig_location) | varchar(255), | [lum_obs]![county] |
orig_loc_form | varchar(16), | "county" |
orig_loc_prec | real, | -- |
orig_loc_desc | varchar(255), | "Reported as " & [region codeexplinations]![Explination] & " in " & [Lum-regionlist-position-mapping]![Subcounty Region] & ": " & [Lum-regionlist-position-mapping]![explination]& "." |
orig_county | varchar(32), | [lum_obs]![orig_county] (subcounty region) |
orig_habitat | varchar(255), | [calflora]![habitats] (data originally
came from Lum/Walker/Munz datasets, modified since) |
orig_elev | integer, | -- |
orig_elev_form | char(8), | -- |
orig_date | varchar(32), | (based on publication date, not observation
date) |
u_rslvd_taxon | varchar(255), | upper(rslvd_taxon) |
u_orig_loc_desc | varchar(255) | upper(orig_loc_desc) |