Data Set:
Botanical Literature Summary of Reported Ranges
Last Modified:
Modified By:
Tony Morosco

Original Data was in the following format from the CalFlora Taxon table:

Field Value
calrecnum 3
regioncode F1F1FFFFFFF1FFF11111111FFFFFFFFF11111111FFFFFFFFFFFF11111111111111111111111111111F1FFFFFFFFFFF00
source Lum/Walker/Munz68
Regioncode was representative of  94 1-character fields corresponding to the 94 regions of Lum (1975) followed by a terminating string '00'

Presence and absence in the 94 sub-county regions indicated using these codes:

1 probably present (Lum/Walker/Munz68) or definitely present (Dennis/CNPS94, but see note below)
2 presence uncertain (for Lum/Walker/Munz68)or distribution or identity uncertain (for Dennis/CNPS94 data).
6 presence implied by Jepson manual range description but not confirmed by other sources
F not present
The regioncode field was modified several times during it's existence in the CalFlora species table, updating it using several sources.  The most prominent of these updates utilized the publication and taxonomic delineation changes of The Jepson Manual (1993) and the CNPS Electronic Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants (1994).  All updates were documented in the source field of the CalFlora taxon table.

For data transcribed from CNPS Electronic Inventory data, presence in a particular sub-county region may be less certain than indicated if QUAD data was not available for that county. CNPS Inventory data are considered verified at the county level in all cases, but not necessarily at the sub-county level.Lum/Walker/Munz68 data are interpretations of often vague distribution descriptions and were not verified.

It was decided that the taxa modified to include CNPS Electronic Inventory data (1994) would not be included in the CalFlora Occurrence database for the following reasons: the information was remarkably out of date, other data sources within CalFlora Occurrence database (such as California Natural Diversity Database) provided similar coverage, and imminent publication and hopeful inclusion of the 6th edition of the CNPS Inventory.  Among the taxa not included were 66 taxa brought to our attention who had taxonomic delineation changes (but no name changes) between The Jepson Manual and the CNPS Electronic Inventory.

A new observation_type was created for this dataset- "secondary_source".  This category is intended to encompass those records in CalFlora Occ that were secondarily compiled from more than one source.  The use and inclusion of data in CalFlora Occ in this category will be limited and considered less desirable than primary sources.  Possible future datasets that could fall under this category are a county-translation of Jepson Manual distributions (probably requires copyright release by UC Press and Jepson Herbarium). The observation_type for the source "California County Occurrence Information from Botanical Literature" has been retroactively changed to "secondary_source".  A note about the difference between the "caco" and "lit_summary"  datasets: "caco" is mainly more limited focus publications such as "A partial list of seed plants of the North Coast Counties of California" and "Plants of the Rock Creek Lake Basin, Inyo County, California".  The "lit_summary" dataset is more comprehensive in the taxa covered and based mostly on the three or four references described in the "source" field.

The CalFlora region code was decompiled to individual [taxon, county, source, orig_county] records into a table named lum_obs, that looked similar to the following:
calrecnum, county, code, source, orig_county
1, MUL, F, Lum/Munz68,Dennis/CNPS94, CI
1, DNT, F, Lum/Munz68,Dennis/CNPS94, DNT
1, HUM, F, Lum/Munz68,Dennis/CNPS94, HUMw
1, HUM, F, Lum/Munz68,Dennis/CNPS94, HUMe
1, SIS, 1, Lum/Munz68,Dennis/CNPS94, SISn   
1, SIS, 1, Lum/Munz68,Dennis/CNPS94, SISw
1, SIS, F, Lum/Munz68,Dennis/CNPS94, SISc
Note that while 'F' or 'not present' records were translated, they are held in reserve until such time as the CalFlora Occurrence database are modified to handle negative reports.  At that time this dataset can be evaluated as to whether a 'F' is a valid negative observation  (evidence of absence, or absence of evidence).

Note that each sub-county region was independently translated to a county(i.e. if SISn =1 and SISw = 2, two observation records are created, one for SIS = 1 and one for SIS=2)  This preserves each report in the final dataset. 

Absence/presence code, subcounty region code, and summary explanations for sub-county region delineations are included in the orig_loc_desc field.  See Lum's original publication for detailed explanations. 

The source is documented in the auth_collector field.  Explanations for the source codes is included in the collctn field. 

Habitat information from the CalFlora taxon table, which originated from the Lum dataset, is included in the CalFlora Occurrence database habitats field.

For observations of documentation type "Literature", we have decided to used the observation date field to hold the publication date.  Users are cautioned to keep in mind that this is not an observation date for the observer seeing the taxon in the field, but rather the publication date for when the data source was published.  In this dataset, regioncodes that were modified by including data from the Jepson Manual were assigned an observ_date = "1993-01-01" and a date_precision of "exact year" (in other words, "1993"), the publication year of the Jepson Manual.  All others are assigned the observ_date= "1968-01-01" and a date_precision of "exact year" (in other words, "1968"), the publication date of Munz' A Flora of California.

For source_id, use of Lum's original genus and species codes was considered, but the subsequent modification of Lum data by data from Walker, CNPS and the Jepson Manual, and complexities of taxonomic delineation changes had dissociated the CalFlora distribution data from the source data to a large degree.  Thus this was not feasible nor desirable.

Please address questions regarding the conversion and inclusion of this data to

Specific Field mapping


* = Denotes fields that are required for CalFlora Database
Blank values in 'Data' column = data not available
Data tables: [TableName]![FieldName]
Source data --> converted to result data by matching value in source to result in named table.
CalFlora field name type Data
seq_num SERIAL UNIQUE, serial number (unique across datasets)
dataset varchar(16), "lit_summary"
source varchar(255), "Botanical Literature Summary of Reported Range"
source_id varchar(32), --
dset_seq_num integer, (serial numberunique to dataset)
orig_nomen varchar(64), "Jepson"
index_date date, "2001-02-15"
observ_type varchar(32), "secondary_source"
doc_type varchar(16), "litarature"
rslvd_taxon varchar(128), [calflora]![taxon]
rslvd_genus varchar(64), [calflora]![genus]
rslvd_specif_epith varchar(64), [calflora]![species]
rslvd_species_auth varchar(128), [calflora]![author1]
rslvd_infra_rank varchar(4), [calflora]![rank]
rslvd_infra_epith varchar(64), [calflora]![var_ssp]
rslvd_infra_author varchar(128), [calflora]![author2]
namesoup varchar(255), --
county char(3), [lum_obs]![county]
lat real, --
long real, --
utm_zone integer, --
utm10_x real, --
utm10_y real, --
elevation integer, --
elev_source varchar(16), --
site_info_avail varchar(255) --
plot_id varchar(32), --
plot_size real, --
observ_date date, Jepson Manual modified records: "1993-01-01"
all others: "1968-01-01"
date_prec varchar(16), "exactyear" (as a published work, not observation date)
auth_collector varchar(255), [lum_obs]![source]
collctn varchar(255), "Based on Lum(1975) extraction from Munz(1968)" & IIf([Lum-obs]![source] Like "*mono*"," including additional data from unspecified monographs","") & IIf([Lum-obs]![source] Like "*Walker*",", modified by Walker(1992)","") & IIf([Lum-obs]![source] Like "*calflora*",", adjusted for taxonomic changes with information from the Jepson Manual(1993)","") & "."
orig_name varchar(255), [calflora]![taxon] (Lum's taxon names have been disassociated through taxonomic changes and numerous data transformations)
orig_plants char(8), --
orig_adp char(8), --
best_georef_location (was: orig_location) varchar(255), [lum_obs]![county]
orig_loc_form varchar(16), "county"
orig_loc_prec real, --
orig_loc_desc varchar(255), "Reported as " & [region codeexplinations]![Explination] & " in " & [Lum-regionlist-position-mapping]![Subcounty Region] & ": " & [Lum-regionlist-position-mapping]![explination]& "."
orig_county varchar(32), [lum_obs]![orig_county] (subcounty region)
orig_habitat varchar(255), [calflora]![habitats] (data originally came from Lum/Walker/Munz datasets, modified since)
orig_elev integer, --
orig_elev_form char(8), --
orig_date varchar(32), (based on publication date, not observation date)
u_rslvd_taxon varchar(255), upper(rslvd_taxon)
u_orig_loc_desc varchar(255) upper(orig_loc_desc)