Common Name Index
Mouse over a
common name
below to see the scientific name. Click on the name to view the taxon report.
Rabbit thorn
Rabbitear rockcress
Rabbitfoot clover
Rabbitsfoot grass
Raceme catnip
Raceme pussytoes
Racemed fiestaflower
Racemose phacelia
Racemose pussytoes
Racemose pyrrocoma
Racemose pyrrocoma
Racemose pyrrocoma
Radiate sweetjuice
Radish root woodsorrel
Radishroot woodsorrel
Radishroot woodsorrel
Radishroot woodsorrel
Rafinesque's pondweed
Ragged leaf bahia
Ragged leaf bahia
Ragged leaf bahia
Ragged nettlespurge
Ragged rockflower
Ragleaf bahia
Raiche's clarkia
Raiche's manzanita
Raiche's red ribbons
Rain bells
Rainbow iris
Rainbow iris
Rainbow iris
Rainbow iris
Rainbow iris
Rainbow manzanita
Rainier pleated gentian
Ram's horn
Ram's horn
Rambling fleabane
Rambling milkweed
Ramm's madia
Ramm's madia
Ramona clarkia
Ramona horkelia
Ramona spineflower
Ramshaw meadows abronia
Rancheria clover
Ranger's button
Rannoch rush
Rannoch rush
Rape mustard
Rareflower heterocodon
Rat tail fescue
Rattail fescue
Rattail fescue
Rattail sixweeks grass
Rattan's beardtongue
Rattan's beardtongue
Rattan's blue eyed mary
Rattan's collinsia
Rattan's cryptantha
Rattan's leptosiphon
Rattan's linanthus
Rattan's milk vetch
Rattan's milk vetch
Rattan's milkvetch
Rattan's milkvetch
Rattan's monkeyflower
Rattan's monkeyflower
Rattan's phacelia
Rattan's sandmat
Rattle pod
Rattlesnake brome
Rattlesnake chess
Rattlesnake fern
Rattlesnake fern
Rattlesnake grass
Rattlesnake plantain
Rattlesnake sandmat
Rattlesnake weed
Rattlesnake weed
Rau's jaffueliobryum moss
Raven s primrose
Raven's lomatium
Raven's lomatium
Raven's manzanita
Raven's manzanita
Raven's milk vetch
Raven's milk vetch
Raven's milkvetch
Ravine fescue
Rawhide hill onion
Rayless alpine ragwort
Rayless arnica
Rayless arnica
Rayless arnica
Rayless aster
Rayless daisy
Rayless encelia
Rayless goldenbush
Rayless goldenhead
Rayless goldenhead
Rayless goldenhead
Rayless layia
Rayless leafy aster
Rayless mountain butterweed
Rayless mountain ragwort
Rayless ragwort
Rayless ragwort
Rayless shaggy fleabane
Rayless shaggy fleabane
Rayless shaggy fleabane
Rayless tidytips
Rayless whitney's goldenbush
Raynold's sedge
Raynolds' sedge
Rebecca austin's allocarya
Rebecca austin's fleabane
Rebecca austin's fleabane
Rebecca austin's knotweed
Rebecca austin's knotweed
Rebecca austin's nemophila
Rebecca austin's rock cress
Recondite arnica
Recurved larkspur
Red aeschynomene
Red alder
Red amaranth
Red ammannia
Red anthered rush
Red baneberry
Red baneberry
Red beardtongue
Red bilberry, red huckleberry
Red bluff dwarf rush
Red bluff dwarf rush
Red boerhaavia
Red brome
Red brome
Red buckeye
Red buckthorn
Red buckthorn
Red bush monkeyflower
Red claws
Red clintonia
Red clover
Red creek buckwheat
Red creek buckwheat
Red dock
Red dome blanketflower
Red elderberry
Red elderberry
Red fescue
Red fescue
Red fescue
Red fescue
red fir
Red fir
Red fir catchfly
Red flower woodsorrel
Red flowered buckwheat
Red flowered lotus
Red flowering currant
Red flowering currant
Red four o'clock
Red fruited mahonia
Red goosefoot
Red goosefoot
Red goosefoot
Red grama
Red gum
Red hawksbeard
Red hills ragwort
Red hills soap plant
Red hills soaproot
Red hills vervain
Red iron bark
Red ironbark
Red larkspur
Red lovegrass
red maids
Red maids
Red mangrove
Red maple
Red mariposa
Red monardella
Red monardella
Red monkeyflower
Red mountain buckwheat
Red mountain catchfly
Red mountain catchfly
Red mountain catchfly
Red mountain sedum
Red mountain stonecrop
Red mountain stonecrop
Red mtn. catchfly
Red mtn. stonecrop
Red mulberry
Red or Orange Larkspur
Red oregon goldenaster
Red osier dogwood
Red oxalis
Red passionflower
Red peavine
Red pickleweed
Red rayed hulsea
Red ribbons
Red ribbons
Red river gaura
Red river gum
Red rock canyon monkeyflower
Red rock poppy
Red rock tarplant
Red rock tarplant
Red root pigweed
Red rooted amaranth
Red rooted cyperus
Red sage
red sage
Red sand verbena
Red sandspurry
Red seeded dandelion
Red seeded sandwort
Red sepaled evening primrose
Red sesbania
Red shanks
Red shrubby spurge
Red sierra onion
Red sierra onion
Red skinned onion
Red spiderling
Red spot clarkia
Red spot clarkia
Red spot clarkia
Red spotted clarkia
Red sprangletop
Red star thistle
Red stem ceanothus
Red stemmed filaree
Red stemmed himulus
Red stemmed himulus
Red stemmed miner's lettuce
Red stemmed spring beauty
Red stemmed spring beauty
Red swampfire
Red thistle
Red three awn
Red topped buckwheat
Red triangles
Red valerian
Red willow
Red-flowered bird's-foot trefoil
Red-gland spurge
Red-root cryptantha
Red-seeded dandelion
Redberry buckthorn
Redclay suncup
Reddened clarkia
Redding buckwheat
Redding checkerbloom
Reddish tufted vetch
Redflower bird's foot trefoil
Redflower buckwheat
Redflower buckwheat
Redflower buckwheat
Redflower currant
Redflower currant
Redflower ragleaf
Redhot poker
Redish shredding primrose
Redosier dogwood
Redosier dogwood
Redowski's stickseed
Redowski's stickseed
Redpurple ragwort
Redray alpinegold
Redrock tarweed
Redroot amaranth
Redroot cryptantha
Redroot flatsedge
Redseed plantain
Redsepal evening primrose
Redskin onion
Redspined fishhook cactus
Redspot clarkia
Redspot clarkia
Redspot clarkia
Redspot clarkia
Redstem ceanothus
Redstem mint
Redstem springbeauty
Redstem springbeauty
Redstem springbeauty
Redstem stork's bill
Redtop panicgrass
Redtop panicgrass
Redtop panicum
Redvein dock
Redwhisker clammyweed
Redwood blue grass
Redwood insideout flower
Redwood ivy
Redwood keckiella
Redwood lily
Redwood manzanita
Redwood pea
Redwood pea
Redwood phacelia
Redwood sorrel
Redwood violet
Redwool plantain
Reed canarygrass
Reed fescue
Reed lily
Reeves' meadowsweet
Reflexed blazing star
Reflexed rockcress
Reflexed sedge
Refugio manzanita
Regal pelargonium
Regel's mountain penstemon
Regel's rush
Rein orchid
Rein orchid
Remote-leaved thistle
Repand rock cress
Repand rock cress
Rescue grass
Rescue grass
Resin birch; scrub birch
Resinous rockrose
Resinous rockrose
Reticulate popcorn flower
Reticulate popcorn flower
Reticulate seeded spurge
Reveal's buckwheat
Reverchon three awn
Reversed clover
Revolute spurge
Rhizome bluegrass
Rhodes grass
Rhomboid farewell to spring
Rib seed spurge
Ribbed cryptantha
ribbed cryptantha
Ribbed fringepod
Ribbonleaf pondweed
Ribseed sandmat
Rice barnyardgrass
Rice cutgrass
Rice field barnyard grass
Rice grass
Ricefield flatsedge
Ricefield waternymph
Richardson's geranium
Richardson's muhly
Richardson's pondweed
Richardson's sedge
Ridge-seeded spurge
Ridged goosefoot
Ridged goosefoot
Rigid bird's beak
Rigid bird's beak
Rigid cryptantha
Rigid fiddleneck
Rigid fiddleneck
Rigid fringepod
Rigid hedge nettle
Rigid italian rye grass
Rigid italian rye grass
Rigid nemacladus
Rigid pea
Rigid rock cress
Rigid spiny herb
Rigid stemmed thread plant
Rillita pellitory
Rillita pellitory
Rincon manzanita
Rincon manzanita
Rincon ridge ceanothus
Ripgut brome
Ripgut grass
Ripley's aliciella
Ripley's cymopterus
Ripley's gilia
Ripley's springparsley
River beauty
River bulrush
River bulrush
River bulrush
River redgum
River sheoak
Riverbank lupine
Riverbar bird's foot trefoil
Riverside spineflower
Riverside spineflower
Riverside spineflower
Rivet wheat
Rixford's buckwheat
Rixford's rock wort
Rixford's rockwort
Roadside agrimony
Roadside bittercress
Roadside brome
Roadside pepperweed
Robbins' nemacladus
Robbins' pondweed
Robbins's pondweed
Robert geranium
Robert's geranium
Robinson's pepper grass
Robinson's pepper grass
Robinson's pepperweed
Robison's monardella
Robust coyote mint
Robust daisy
Robust false lupine
Robust hoffmann's buckwheat
Robust monardella
Robust spineflower
Robust spineflower
Robust spineflower
Robust subcup
Robust sun cup
Robust suncup
Robust vervain
Rock beardtongue
Rock bedstraw
Rock bird's foot trefoil
Rock buckwheat
Rock buckwheat
Rock buckwheat
Rock buckwheat
Rock Bush Monkeyflower
Rock creek broom rape
Rock creek broom rape
Rock creek broomrape
Rock creek broomrape
Rock creek broomrape
Rock cress
Rock crossosoma
Rock cymopterus
Rock elm
Rock eriogonum
Rock five finger
Rock gilia
Rock goldenbush
Rock goldenrod
Rock goldenrod
Rock gooseberry
Rock haurandya
Rock hibiscus
Rock ivesia
Rock lady
Rock lettuce
Rock live forever
Rock lupine
Rock melicgrass
Rock melicgrass
Rock melicgrass
Rock midget
Rock monardella
Rock monardella
Rock mousetail
Rock mustard
Rock nettle
Rock pennyroyal
Rock penstemon
Rock penstemon
Rock phacelia
Rock phacelia
Rock phacelia
Rock rose
Rock samphire
Rock sandwort
Rock sanicle
Rock sea lavender
Rock spiraea
Rock spiraea
Rock spiraea
Rock spiraea
Rock spiraea
Rock spiraea
Rock star
Rock sword fern
Rock tickseed
Rock toothwort
Rock toothwort
Rock whitefeather
Rock whitefeather
Rocket larkspur
Rockjasmine monkeyflower
Rockloving erigeron
Rockloving erigeron
Rockloving erigeron
Rockloving phacelia
Rocky mountain bee plant
Rocky mountain bee plant
Rocky mountain beeplant
Rocky mountain bulrush
Rocky mountain bulrush
Rocky Mountain Bulrush
Rocky mountain buttercup
Rocky mountain chickweed
Rocky mountain elder
Rocky mountain fescue
Rocky mountain fescue
Rocky mountain fescue
Rocky mountain goldenrod
Rocky mountain groundsel
Rocky mountain groundsel
Rocky mountain iris
Rocky mountain juniper
Rocky mountain maple
Rocky mountain maple
Rocky mountain parnassia
Rocky mountain penstemon
Rocky mountain pond lily
Rocky mountain pond-lily
Rocky mountain pussytoes
Rocky mountain rush
Rocky mountain spike moss
Rocky mountain spike-moss
Rocky mountain spikemoss
Rocky mountain willowherb
Rocky mountain woodsia
Rod halimolobos
Rod wirelettuce
Rod wirelettuce
Roderick's fawnlily
Roderick's fritillary
Roesler's cartilage lichen
Rogue river milkvetch
Rolland's bulrush
Rolle's rockcress
Rolled leaf spurge
Roman chamomile
Roof's manzanita
Rooted spikerush
Ropevine clematis
Rosamond eriastrum
Rose and white buckwheat
Rose campion
Rose clover
Rose evening primrose
Rose firecracker flower
Rose flowered lotus
Rose flowered lotus
Rose flowered stonecrop
Rose flowered stonecrop
Rose heath
Rose leptosiphon
Rose linanthus
Rose mallow
Rose meadowsweet
Rose moss
Rose of sharon
Rose penstemon
Rose penstemon
Rose pussytoes
Rose sage
Rose sage
Rose scented geranium
Rose silene
Rose spirea
Rose thistle
Rose's manzanita
Rose's manzanita
Roseflower stonecrop
Roseflower stonecrop
Roseflower stonecrop
rosemary grevillea
Rosette cushion cryptantha
rosette cushion cryptantha
Rosette draba
Rosette thistle
Rosin weed
Rosin weed
Ross sedge
Ross' pitcher sage
Ross' sandwort
Ross' sedge
Rosy apricot mallow
Rosy bird's foot trefoil
Rosy buckwheat
Rosy buckwheat
Rosy cudweed
Rosy douglas' meadowfoam
Rosy everlasting
Rosy gilia
Rosy ice plant
Rosy manzanita
Rosy owl's clover
Rosy petalled cliffbush
Rosy pussypaws
Rosy pussytoes
Rosy pussytoes
Rosy pussytoes
Rosy pussytoes
Rosy sand crocus
Rosy sandcrocus
Rosy sandcrocus
Rosy stonecrop
Rothrock sagebrush
Rothrock's fiddleleaf
Rothrock's keckiella
Rothrock's keckiella
Rothrock's nama
Rough barnyard grass
Rough barnyardgrass
Rough barnyardgrass
Rough bedstraw
Rough bentgrass
Rough bentgrass
Rough blepharipappus
Rough blue grass
Rough bluegrass
Rough brickellbush
Rough bugleweed
Rough buttonweed
Rough canada goldenrod
Rough cat's ear
Rough cockleburr
Rough comfrey
Rough desert olive
Rough desert olive
Rough eyelashweed
Rough false goldeneye
Rough fruit berry
Rough fruited allocarya
Rough hairy goldenaster
Rough harebell
Rough hawksbeard
Rough hedgenettle
Rough hedgenettle
Rough hedgenettle
Rough jointfir
Rough leaved aster
Rough leaved fescue
Rough maidenhair
Rough menodora
Rough oregon goldenaster
Rough parry's rabbitbrush
Rough parry's rabbitbrush
Rough pea
Rough pigweed
Rough pricklypoppy
Rough purple mat
Rough sandwort
Rough sandwort
Rough sedge
Rough seed cryptantha
Rough seeded blue toad flax
Rough star-thistle
Rough stemmed forget me not
Rough sweetbush
Rough thistle
Rough vervain
Roughfruit amaranth
Roughfruit berry
Roughfruit corn bedstraw
Roughfruit popcornflower
Roughleaf aster
Roughseed cryptantha
Roughstalk witch grass
Round fruit sedge
Round fruit yellow cress
Round fruited toad rush
Round headed beaked rush
Round headed buckwheat
Round headed buckwheat
Round headed buckwheat
Round headed chinese houses
Round headed goldenhead
Round kumquat
Round leaf buckwheat
Round leaf harebell
Round leaf loco weed
Round leaf water hyssop
Round leafed medick
Round leafed phacelia
Round leaved boykinia
round leaved bush mallow
Round leaved filaree
Round leaved geranium
Round leaved heermann's lotus
Round leaved heermann's lotus
Round leaved psoralea
Round leaved sundew
Round pricklyhead poppy
Round woolly marbles
Round woolly marbles
Roundfruit hedgehyssop
Roundfruit yellowcress
Roundhead chinese houses
Roundleaf alumroot
Roundleaf cancerwort
Roundleaf geranium
Roundleaf leather root
Roundleaf monkeyflower
Roundleaf monkeyflower
Roundleaf mudplantain
Roundleaf oxytheca
Roundleaf phacelia
Roundleaf puncturebract
Roundleaf snowberry
Roundleaf stork's bill
Roundleaf sundew
Roundleaved snowberry
Roundspike cryptantha
Roundtooth snakelily
Roving sailor
Roxburgh fig
Royal beardtongue
Royal dewflower
Royal dewflower
Royal fern
Royal goldfields
Royal jacob's ladder
Royal knight's-spur
Royal larkspur
Royal larkspur
Royal larkspur
Royal larkspur
Royal lupine
Royal penstemon
Royal rein orchid
Royal sky pilot
Rubber rabbitbrush
Rubber rabbitbrush
Rubber rabbitbrush
Rubber rabbitbrush
Rubber rabbitbrush
Rubber rabbitbrush
Rubber rabbitbrush
Ruby chalice clarkia
Ruby saltbush
Ruby sandspurry
Ruffled starwort
Rufous bulrush
Rugosa rose
Running clubmoss
Running pine
Rusby's desert mallow
Rusby's globemallow
Rush blue grass
Rush bristleweed
Rush broom
Rush broom
Rush like bristleweed
Rush like bristleweed
Rush like maritime plantain
Rush lotus
Rush lotus
Rush lotus
Rush lotus
Rush milkweed
Rush pussytoes
Rush pussytoes
Rush pussytoes
Rush wheatgrass
Rush wormwood
Rushleaf eryngo
Russet buffaloberry
Russethair saxifrage
Russethair saxifrage
Russian chamomile
Russian comfrey
Russian knapweed
Russian knapweed
Russian olive
Russian salt tree
Russian tamarisk
Russian thistle
Russian thistle
Russian thistle
Russian thistle
Russian wheatgrass
Russian wheatgrass
Rusty hair saxifrage
Rusty hair saxifrage
Rusty hair saxifrage
Rusty haired popcorn flower
Rusty haired popcorn flower
Rusty lupine
Rusty lupine
Rusty menziesia
Rusty molly
Rusty popcorn flower
Rusty popcornflower
Rusty saxifrage
Rusty slender sedge
Rustyhair saxifrage
Rydberg's horkelia
Rydberg's penstemon
Rydberg's spring beauty
Rye brome