Coastal heron's bill, Red stemmed filaree, Redstem stork's bill
2022 Steve Matson 2008 Steve Matson 2022 Steve Matson 2022 Steve Matson 2008 Steve Matson 2008 Steve Matson 2023 Julia Markey 2023 Julia Markey 2019 Diane Etchison 2022 Bob Sweatt 2022 Bob Sweatt 2020 Julia Markey 2004 Steve Matson 2004 Steve Matson 2004 Steve Matson 2024 Ron Vanderhoff
Erodium cicutarium is an annual herb that is not native to California.
[Wikipedia] Macaronesia, temperate Eurasia and north and northeast Africa na: Erodium cicutarium, also known as common storks bill, redstem filaree, redstem storks bill or pinweed,[citation needed] is a herbaceous annual, or in warm climates, biennial , member of the family Geraniaceae of flowering plants. It is native to Macaronesia, temperate Eurasia and north and northeast Africa, and was introduced to North America in the eighteenth century, where it has since become naturalized, particularly of the deserts and arid grasslands of the southwestern United States. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)
[Cal-IPC] Invasiveness: Erodium cicutarium (redstem filaree) is an aggressive annual/biannual (family Geraniaceae) that is very widespread throughout California and is commonly found along roadsides, grasslands, fields, and semi-desert areas. It often carpets large areas, out-competing native grasses and forbs. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)
2022 Steve Matson:!2008 Steve Matson:!2022 Steve Matson:!2022 Steve Matson:!2008 Steve Matson:!2008 Steve Matson:!2023 Julia Markey:!2023 Julia Markey:!2019 Diane Etchison:!2022 Bob Sweatt:!2022 Bob Sweatt:!2020 Julia Markey:!2004 Steve Matson:!2004 Steve Matson:!2004 Steve Matson:!2024 Ron Vanderhoff:!
Suggested Citation
Information on California plants for education, research and conservation,
with data contributed by
public and private institutions and individuals.
[web application]. 2024. Berkeley, California:The Calflora Database
[a non-profit organization].Available: 12/26/2024).