Lupinus excubitus M. E. Jones var. hallii (Abrams) C. P. Sm.
(not an active name)
Hall's bush lupine
2011 Tony Morosco 2011 Steven Thorsted 2011 Steven Thorsted 2011 Aaron Arthur 2016 Diane Etchison 2017 Diane Etchison 2020 Ron Vanderhoff 2020 Ron Vanderhoff 2020 Ron Vanderhoff 2020 Ron Vanderhoff 2020 Ron Vanderhoff
Lupinus excubitus var. hallii is a shrub that is native to California.
0000 0000 1211 1227:!0000 0000 0911 0395:!0000 0000 0911 0394:!0000 0000 0511 1891:!/app/up/entry/76/th/23093.jpg:!/app/up/entry/76/th/22884.jpg:!/app/up/entry/138/th/41521.jpg:!/app/up/entry/138/th/41520.jpg:!/app/up/entry/138/th/41519.jpg:!/app/up/entry/138/th/41518.jpg:!/app/up/entry/138/th/41516.jpg?a:!
2011 Tony Morosco:!2011 Steven Thorsted:!2011 Steven Thorsted:!2011 Aaron Arthur:!2016 Diane Etchison:!2017 Diane Etchison:!2020 Ron Vanderhoff:!2020 Ron Vanderhoff:!2020 Ron Vanderhoff:!2020 Ron Vanderhoff:!2020 Ron Vanderhoff:!
Suggested Citation
Information on California plants for education, research and conservation,
with data contributed by
public and private institutions and individuals.
[web application]. 2024. Berkeley, California:The Calflora Database
[a non-profit organization].Available: 12/21/2024).