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Taxon  Report  
Calochortus raichei  Farwig & V. Girard
The cedars fairy lantern
© 2010 Tony Morosco
© 2023 John L. Thompson
© 2023 John L. Thompson
© 2023 John L. Thompson
© 2012 Aaron Arthur
© 2012 Aaron Arthur
© 2014 Vernon Smith
© 2005 Steve Lowens
© 2005 Steve Lowens
Calochortus raichei is a perennial herb (bulb) that is native to California, and endemic (limited) to California.
California Rare Plant Rank: 1B.2 (rare, threatened, or endangered in CA and elsewhere).
Siskiyou Del Norte Modoc Humboldt Shasta Lassen Trinity Plumas Tehama Butte Mendocino Glenn Sierra Yuba Lake Nevada Colusa Placer Sutter El Dorado Yolo Alpine Napa Sonoma Sacramento Mono Amador Solano Calaveras Tuolumne San Joaquin Marin Contra Costa Alameda Santa Cruz Mariposa Madera San Francisco San Mateo Merced Fresno Stanislaus Santa Clara Inyo San Benito Tulare Kings Monterey San Bernardino San Luis Obispo Kern Santa Barbara Ventura Los Angeles Riverside Orange San Diego Imperial
Observation Search
~28 records in California
yellowone or more occurrences
within a 7.5-minute quadrangle

Bloom Period
Genus: Calochortus
Family: Liliaceae  
Category: angiosperm  
PLANTS group:Monocot
Jepson eFlora section: monocot

Ultramafic affinity: 6 - strict endemic

Communities: Closed-cone Pine Forest, Chaparral

Name Status:
Accepted by JEF + CNPS + PLANTS + POWO

Information about  Calochortus raichei from other sources
Nursery availability from CNPLX
Commercial availability unknown.
Jepson eFlora


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[Wikipedia] Rarity, Range, Distribution, Description: Calochortus raichei is a rare species of flowering plant in the lily family known by the common name Cedars' fairy-lantern. It is endemic to Sonoma County, California, where it is known only from The Cedars, an unincorporated area outside Guerneville north of Cazadero, just west of Austin Creek State Recreation Area.[2] The species is named for botanist Roger Raiche, who collected it in flower in 1982 and it was published by Farwig & Girard [3] as a distinct new species in 1987.[4] Distribution It is limited to the ultramafic rock (serpentine soil) at the headwaters of Big Austin and East Austin Creeks which are part of the Russian River watershed. In the East Austin headwaters, it is not only in The Cedars, but extends SE in a contiguous band of ultramafic rock that crosses parts of Murray, Devil, Thompson, Morrison and Gilliam Creeks where it occurs on the flanking slopes. It also occurs in Grasshopper, Danfield, Cedar and House Creeks, which are part of the Wheatfield Fork of the Gualala River watershed. Description Calochortus raichei is a perennial herb from a membranous coated bulb, producing a stem which is typically 2 to 5 dm tall, but can reach 1 meter tall in some years. The gray basal leaf is up to 40 centimeters long, typically withered at flowering; there may be smaller leaves farther up the stem. The herbage of the plant is generally very waxy in texture.[2] The inflorescence typically bears only one or two nodding flowers as the side branches usually do not develop, but in favored sites the side branches may produce additional flowers (3 to 12), spherical in shape with their petal tips touching. The three sepals are about 2 centimeters long and dull tan to greenish, and the three petals about 4 centimeters in length and yellow,. Both sepals and petals age to orange-bronze. The petals are coated inside and fringed with hairs. The fruit is an angled capsule around 3 to 5 centimeters long containing dark brown seeds.[2] (link added by Mary Ann Machi)

Suggested Citation
Calflora: Information on California plants for education, research and conservation, with data contributed by public and private institutions and individuals. [web application]. 2025. The Calflora Database [a non-profit organization]. Available: https://www.calflora.org/   (Accessed: 03/28/2025).