[Cal-IPC] Invasive: Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda grass) is a low-statured, creeping, warm season perennial grass (family Poaceae) that is commonly planted in garden lawns and as turf. It is native to East Africa but has become a cosmopolitan weed in warmer regions around the world, where it tolerates a broad range of soil types and moister levels. Bermuda grass is distinguished by having slightly flattened stems, hairs that jut out at the leaf blade and sheath junctures, grey-green foliage, and an inflorescence comprised of a cluster of 2-6 spikes arranged radially from a single point. Plants reproduce both via rhizomes and seeds. Bermuda grass is fast growing and can out-compete native species, particularly in riparian areas.
Cal-IPC Rating: Moderate (link added by Mary Ann Machi)
[Wikipedia] Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia Native, Introduced Elsewhere, Invasive: Cynodon dactylon, commonly known as Bermuda grass, is a grass found worldwide. It is native to Europe, Africa, Australia and much of Asia. It has been introduced to the Americas.[2][3] Contrary to its common name, it is not native to Bermuda and is in fact an abundant invasive species there. In Bermuda it has been known as "crab grass" (also a name for Digitaria sanguinalis). (link added by Mary Ann Machi)