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Taxon  Report  
Halogeton glomeratus  (M. Bieb.) C. A. Mey.
Halogeton,   Saltlover
© 2019 Joe Woods
© 2019 Joe Woods
© 2019 Caleb Cole
© 2019 Caleb Cole
© 2019 Caleb Cole
© 2010 Steve Matson
© 2010 Neal Kramer
© 2010 Neal Kramer
© 2012 Zoya Akulova
Halogeton glomeratus is an annual herb that is not native to California.
Cal-IPC rating: moderate
Siskiyou Del Norte Modoc Humboldt Shasta Lassen Trinity Plumas Tehama Butte Mendocino Glenn Sierra Yuba Lake Nevada Colusa Placer Sutter El Dorado Yolo Alpine Napa Sonoma Sacramento Mono Amador Solano Calaveras Tuolumne San Joaquin Marin Contra Costa Alameda Santa Cruz Mariposa Madera San Francisco San Mateo Merced Fresno Stanislaus Santa Clara Inyo San Benito Tulare Kings Monterey San Bernardino San Luis Obispo Kern Santa Barbara Ventura Los Angeles Riverside Orange San Diego Imperial
Observation Search
~369 records in California
redone or more occurrences
within a 7.5-minute quadrangle

Bloom Period
Genus: Halogeton
Family: Chenopodiaceae  
Category: angiosperm  
PLANTS group:Dicot
Jepson eFlora section: eudicot

Communities: Sagebrush Scrub
Name Status:
Accepted by JEF + PLANTS + POWO

Information about  Halogeton glomeratus from other sources

[www.ars.usda.gov] Toxic to livestock: Halogeton, a fast-growing annual plant of the Western States, frequently causes poisoning in sheep. Cattle may be also be poisoned. Livestock readily graze mature, dried halogeton and most losses occur when hungry animals are allowed to graze in heavy stands of halogeton. The toxic substance in halogeton is sodium oxalate, which is contained in leaves and other above-ground parts. Halogeton is dangerous at all times. It becomes more toxic as the growing season advances, reaching a peak of toxicity at maturity. Losses occur from dried plant consumed during the fall, winter, and early spring. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)

[Wikipedia] Russia, Central Asia, China Native, Habitat: Halogeton glomeratus is a species of flowering plant in the family Amaranthaceae known by the common names saltlover, Aral barilla, and halogeton. It is native to Russia, Central Asia and China, but the plant is probably better known in the western United States, where it is an introduced species and a notorious noxious weed.[1] This annual herb is a hardy halophyte, thriving in soils far too saline to support many other plants. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)

[Cal-IPC] Invasiveness: It can be found throughout southern California and in all counties bordering Nevada. It has also been reported from Siskiyou and San Diego counties. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)

Suggested Citation
Calflora: Information on California plants for education, research and conservation, with data contributed by public and private institutions and individuals. [web application]. 2025. The Calflora Database [a non-profit organization]. Available: https://www.calflora.org/   (Accessed: 03/28/2025).