[www.ars.usda.gov] Toxic to livestock: Halogeton, a fast-growing annual plant of the Western States, frequently causes poisoning in sheep. Cattle may be also be poisoned. Livestock readily graze mature, dried halogeton and most losses occur when hungry animals are allowed to graze in heavy stands of halogeton. The toxic substance in halogeton is sodium oxalate, which is contained in leaves and other above-ground parts. Halogeton is dangerous at all times. It becomes more toxic as the growing season advances, reaching a peak of toxicity at maturity. Losses occur from dried plant consumed during the fall, winter, and early spring. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)
[Wikipedia] Russia, Central Asia, China Native, Habitat: Halogeton glomeratus is a species of flowering plant in the family Amaranthaceae known by the common names saltlover, Aral barilla, and halogeton. It is native to Russia, Central Asia and China, but the plant is probably better known in the western United States, where it is an introduced species and a notorious noxious weed.[1] This annual herb is a hardy halophyte, thriving in soils far too saline to support many other plants. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)
[Cal-IPC] Invasiveness: It can be found throughout southern California and in all counties bordering Nevada. It has also been reported from Siskiyou and San Diego counties. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)