[www.weedbusters.org.nz] Characteristics & Control Methods: Why is it weedy?
Long-lived plant, with well-dispersed seeds. Tolerates moderate to cold temperatures, damp to dry conditions, high wind, salt, shade, damage, grazing (not browsed), and a range of soils.
How does it spread?
Birds and possibly possums eat the berries containing the seeds. Occasionally spread by soil and water movement.
What damage does it do?
Scattered plants (occasionally dense stands) replace shrubland and regenerating forest, sometimes permanently in open habitats.
Which habitats is it likely to invade?
Disturbed forest and shrubland, short tussockland, herbfield, and bare land.
What can I do to stop it coming back?
Cut stumps resprout quickly, and can be hard to kill and seeds will germinate onto bare land. Follow up 6 monthly. Replant bare sites to minimise seeding. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)