[Wikipedia] Chile native: Cestrum parqui, commonly known as palqui, green cestrum or willow-leaved jessamine,[1] is a species of flowering plant native to Chile. In Australia the plant is regarded as a noxious invasive weed and a significant hazard to livestock (especially cattle) which may eat it inadvertently or during shortages of other foods, often resulting in death. (link added by Mary Ann Machi)
[Cal-IPC] Toxicity to livestock & humans: This weed is considered a major problem because of its toxicity to livestock (especially cattle) and poultry which eat green cestrum when there is a shortage of other feed. All parts of the plant material, stems, leaves, berries and even partly burnt roots pose a serious threat to livestock. Death is usually rapid and painful. As it can form extensive stands along the edges of forests and waterways, it replaces indigenous plants in these habitats and prevents their regeneration. The roots, stems, leaves and fruit of green cestrum (Cestrum parqui) are very toxic to livestock, domestic animals and humans, and stock losses have been reported (Weeds of Australia). Where it occurs in grazing land the value of the land would be affected (Victorian Invasive Plants). (link added by Mary Ann Machi)