Calflora NEWS
NEWS Updated January 16, 2025    Click for details
2025 January Calflora is hiring a Senior Developer
Calflora Bloom Wheels Calflora Bloom Wheel
2024 October Are you wondering what to plant this fall?! Calflora Planting Guide
Every wild plant species in the state has its own distribution map: that's 8,500+ distribution maps available to you via the Calflora website. Calflora staff combine, or aggregate, wild plant data from many sources. One source is plant specimen records from Consortium of California Herbaria (CCH); another is iNaturalist records. Calflora staff also refresh the records from our aggregated sources regularly. That way, you see their new records reflected in Calflora. WhichAtriplex
2024 September Fire Scar Seed Bank Project Calochortus
2024 July Use Calflora to see plant ranges, or potential habitat, for all 8500+ wild plant species in California. Climate Model
Sign up here to learn about Calflora Plant Excursions! To receive information about upcoming Calflora plant excursions, please answer these questions. Vernal...
Calflora’s 10th Annual Photo Contest Winners! Humboldt bay owl's clover
2024 February New Dudleya: Dudleya chasmophyta Dudleya chasmophyta
2023 September If you have a Calflora observation with photos, you can use Plant Observation Entry to ask PlantNet for an ID. details
2023 April Are you having a problem with a Calflora application, or do you have a suggestion? Make a GitHub account and submit a bug report.
You can also view reports submitted by other users.
2023 February Trainings offered by Calflora.
2022 October Great Places to view California native plants:
2022 June In Advanced Search for Plants you can view (and download) any of 45 species attributes. details
Introducing the Photo Essay, a kind of report that can be generated from either Observation Search or My Observations. All photos for each observation are included. details
Users' comments and corrections on observation records are an important part of quality control. Read about how the process works: details
How to obscure an observation record. details
How to draw a polygon in Calflora map applications. VIDEO
Observation Search demonstration VIDEO
What Grows Here? demonstration VIDEO
Email alerts -- be notified by email when new observations arrive.
Need help with plant identification from a photo?
Join the PLANT ID HELP group.
Calflora on social media:   Facebook    LinkedIn    X    YouTube    details
More News For more information, please contact Calflora support.

Searching for Plants
What Grows Here?

What Grows Here? (WGH) can display a thorough plant list for a chosen area of the state. Select the area by moving and zooming the map, or draw a polygon, or choose a polygon from a background layer, such as the boundary of a park.

To find a named location in California, open LOCATION, and enter the name. When you choose from the list of matching names, the map will jump to that place.

Advanced Search for Plants
This application provides for combinations of search criteria not available from the regular Search for Plants, such as:

Calochortus plummerae
Plummer's mariposa lily
© 2015 Kristin Sabo

Search for Plants
The classic Calflora home page search interface.

Searching for Observations

Observation Search
to search for observations with the help of a Google Map. This application shows contributed photos when they are available.

Observation Detail
In Observation Search when you click on the ID of an observation, a menu appears. Click detail in this menu to go to the Observation Detail page. Here is an example:
Mary Conway's record of Eriogonum umbellatum var. polyanthum

This page shows basic information about the record. If you are signed into Calflora as a contributor, you can open COMMENTS to read others' comments on the record, or add your own comment. Click on the Observer PROFILE to see basic information about the contributor.

If the contributor added photos to the record, they appear on the right hand side of this page. If you are signed into Calflora as a contributor, you will see a "Like" link under each photo. Click the link once to "like" the photo.

If you click on location-closeup, you will go the Plant Distribution application for this plant, showing the location of this observation record. This is an easy way to see if there are other observations of the same plant nearby.

Click on the Plant Observation Entry link to see all of the information the contributor added to this record. (Plant Observation Entry is the observation editor application.)

To view this observation in its spatial and ecological context, there are two links at the bottom of the page. The What Grows Here? link shows which other plants grow near the location of this observation. The Observation Search link shows other observations that have been made near the location of this observation.

© 2018 Mary Conway
Map Background Layers
The various mapping applications can show a number of background layers, or polygon sets.

Entering Observations
Observer Pro Smart Phone Application
for Android and iOS devices.

Help and Support for using Observer Pro
Plant Observation Entry (POE)
to view, enter or edit a plant observation record.

Photos can be uploaded directly from your computer to become part of your observation record. If your photo is already on the web you can add the URL of the photo to an observation record.

If you have a geotagged photo, and you add it to a new record, POE will extract the location and the date from the photo. DETAILS

Multiple Photo Upload
to transform photos of plants into observations. If a photo is geotagged, the software will pick up the location.
Mentzelia laevicaulis, Giant Blazing Star, near Susanville © 2011 Orrin Winton
Survey / Checklist Entry
to enter a survey or a checklist (many plants observed at one location).

Observation Upload
to upload an entire dataset directly into the database.

Contributor Services
Email Alerts
You can be notified by email whenever new observation records show up in the database. For instance, you might want to be alerted when any new observation of a certain plant shows up in a certain area.

To set up an alert, first use Observation Search to search for the plants you are interested in, in the area you are interested in.

Then open TOOLS / SAVED SEARCHES, and save your search by name.

Then go to My Calflora / Alerts. You will see the search you just saved in the table of AVAILABLE SEARCHES. Click on that search, and choose whether you want the alert every week or every month.

See also the My Calflora Help page

If you are interested in weeds, take a look at the Regional Priorities for Invasive Plant Management group which Cal-IPC has set up. Priority plant lists have been developed for several regions. You can access these plant lists, and the corresponding saved searches, from the Regional Priorities group home page.

If you are a member of the group, you can use any one of these saved searches as an email alert.

Comment on Observations
There is a comment system for observations. If you are registered as a contributor, you can add a comment on any observation record.

If you come across an observation where the plant identification looks wrong, or it seems like the plant is growing in someon's garden, put a comment on it! You will be helping with Calflora's overall quality control.

Customize your Calflora Experience
My Calflora / Preferences:
If you have added photos to your Calflora observations, you can choose to let others use your photo according to a Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 license (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0). This only applies to photos attached to published observations..

Jepsonia paryi, Parry's jepsonia, near Flores Peak, Orange Co. © 2011 Ron Vanderhoff
My Observations
to review, edit and publish your observations.

Plant List Definition
Use this application to define your own plant lists to be used in search applications (Observation Search, What Grows Here?) and the phone applications.

Cut and paste a list of plant names from anywhere. The application accepts older scientific names, and resolves them to current Calflora names.

(As of November, 2018) If you enter just a genus in a plant list, it will be resolved to all native plants in that genus.

Certain special purpose plant lists are available for all users.

The Monarch Nectar plant list is a work in progress. If you are aware of other wild plants that Monarchs use for nectar, anywhere in California, native or not, please write to us.


Press Illustrated Plant List for a printable version of a list -- three photos for each plant.

Monarch caterpillar on narrowleaf milkweed, Asclepias fscicularis, © 2016 Glen Schneider
Observation Download
to search for and download observations in a variety of formats.

Searching for Places
Great Places  to view California native plants
The Great Places application shows places in California which are particularly good for viewing native plants. The search page shows the number of acres and the density (native species per acre) for each place.

If you have already made a bunch of observations with photos in a particular area, then that area would probably make an excellent Great Place.

Fern Canyon Area, Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park

© 2014 William Flaxington

Lightning Ridge Nature Trail

© 2008 Graham Bothwell.
Place Name Search
to search for places in California by name, and show them on a map.

Survey / Checklist Search
to search through all available checklists and surveys, and show the results on a map.

Example: Checklists in San Diego County


An example checklist:
Sedgwick Reserve in Santa Barbara County.

Plant Information
Planting Guide
Use this application to search for native plants likely to grow well at your chosen location. Click on the map to indicate the location, press SEARCH, and the results will show commercially available native plants appropriate to the elevation, climate and soil of the chosen site.

If there is an important existing plant at the location, and you want to choose other plants that grow with that plant, open More Criteria and enter the name of the plant.

Location Suitability
From the Taxon Report page for the plant, click on the link to go to the Location Suitability page. Click on the map to indicate the location of your garden. Scan the third column, "LOCATION VALUES", to see if there are any pink warnings indicating location values outside of the tolerances of the plant.
    If there are warnings, you may want to try a different plant.
If there are NO warnings, then this plant is compatible with the conditions at your location. As a further sanity check, press
    SEARCH in the map area
to find out if this plant has been reported growing wild, close to your location. If it does grow close by, this is a good sign that it could do well at your site. (See also the discussion on CNPLX.)


A YouTube VIDEO from Steve Rosenthal (Santa Clara Valley CNPS Chapter) on using Location Suitability
Taxon Report
Watch this YouTube VIDEO describing the Taxon Report page. is a website which offers help in identifying wild plants in Calfornia. It has a really good search feature: from the top page, you can enter any of the following:
    plant type (eg. "shrub")
    flower shape
    flower color
    leaf shape
and the site will find the matching plants. The site has lots of big photos, some of them annotated. This site is the brainchild of Bruce Homer-Smith, and more useful features are coming. For instance, here is an article on Marin Manzanitas.

The Calflora Taxon Report page also has a link to the page for the same plant, for those plants now covered by The link is in the More Information section; for instance Arctostaphylos canescens.

Plant Characteristics and Associations
This page shows the climate and soil tolerances of a plant (the conditions under which the plant will grow). Press the Location Suitability link on this page to match plant tolerances with the climate and soil factors of a particular location.

From the Taxon Report page for a particular plant, press the Plant Characteristics link in the center.

Beneficial Insects: Those plants known to be particularly attractive to beneficial insects are marked with a butterfly icon.

Plant Distribution
indicates the range of a plant by highlighting watersheds where the plant has been observed. It can also show point locations.

Bloom Period
is shown on over 9,000+ Taxon Report pages. (See this note for more about bloom period and the sources of the data.) For example, see this page for Madia elegans.


Calflora on Social Media

Facebook: Calflora

LinkedIn: Calflora Users

X: Calflora


Note that Calflora posts on these social media sites in order to highlight the work of Calflora contributors and partners, and to introduce users to Calflora tools and features.

It is our intention that all of the information we post be accurate. If you notice something that appears inaccurate, please contact Calflora support.

Working with Other Organizations
The California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) is a program within the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) that tracks the status and locations of rare plants and animals in California. The CNDDB is used by federal and state agencies, private consultants, and conservation organizations and is an essential tool for evaluating rare species conservation in California. Please visit the CNDDB website for additional information.

2020 January
For Calflora contributors who collect rare plant data, and have set the access value of their observations to be either obscured or private, there is a streamlined way to make those observations available to CNDDB:

    In My Calflora / Preferences, open Observation Sharing, and check the box to share original coordinates of obscured records with CNDDB, or check the box to share private records with CNDDB. CNDDB staff have a special way to extract records that have been shared in this way.
To use the form recommended by CNDDB for rare plant observations, join the Specialty group and use the Rare plants project. This form was updated in January, 2020 -- several free text entry fields have been replaced by drop down entry fields.

Technical Notes

2020 June:
Notifications: If you see a red circle with a white number in it next to your name in the upper right corner of the page, it means you have some notifications from Calflora. Click on the red circle to see the notifications. You might be notified, for instance, when someone comments on one of your records.

2019 August:
Rare Plant Rank Updates: Calflora is now receiving quarterly rare plant information from the California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) instead of from the CNPS Inventory. This information includes which plants have a California Rare Plant Rank, and in which quadrangles those plants have been observed.

2019 February:
SSL / HTTPS: All Calflora pages work only under the HTTPS protocol.

2018 September:
SSL / HTTPS: All Calflora pages work under the HTTPS protocol. Some pages (when a user might be reading or writing secure information) only work under the HTTPS protocol. We are headed in the direction of having most Calflora pages served through HTTPS most of the time. If you are viewing a page through the insecure HTTP protocol, and your browser calls out the page as being "Not Secure", click on the EDIT - SIGN OUT link in the upper right of the page, and then click Go to the secure version of this page.

If you are not signed in, the link in the upper right is called SIGN IN - REGISTER.

Registration: Before September 27, 2018, there used to be a choice when you registered with Calflora -- you could choose to register as as a contributor, or not. This caused confusion, particularly when people tried to use the phone applications without having registered as a contributor.

As of September 27, there is no longer a choice -- every new user who registers will be registered as a contributor. If you regsitered as a non-contributor before September 27, then the next time you edit your account, you will be registered as a contributor.

2018 September:
Calflora has a new Terms of Service and a new Privacy Policy. The Terms of Service clarifies the relationship between Calflora and its users, and is consistent with modern best practices for websites like Calflora.

The next time you sign in to Calflora, or make a new account, you will be asked to agree to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy.

One note: after accepting the terms and signing in, your preference for photo sharing will be set to Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). If you do not want this, go to My Calflora / Preferences and change it back to Calflora use only.

Please write us with any questions.


See also Web Applications for Invasives

Lewisia redidiva
Bitter root
© 2014 Vertin Alvarez
Silene laciniata ssp. laciniata, cardinal catchfly, San Luis Obispo Co. © 2012 Terrence Gosliner

More News  
2024 April 45,000 New Plant Surveys in Calflora 45,000 New Plant Surveys in Calflora
2024 March Calypso bulbosa var. occidentalis, also called Calypso orchid or fairy slipper, is blooming now. Calypso bulbosa var. occidentalis, also called Calypso orchid or fairy slipper
2024 January Dirca occidentalis is blooming now! Dirca occidentalis Dirca occidentalis
2023 November Plant Dots and Spots Plant Dots and Spots
2023 October John Malpas, a member of Calflora staff, received this year's Jake Sigg award for vision and dedicated service in protecting California’s wildlands from invasive plants. At the 2023 Cal-IPC Symposium, October 25 - 27, CSU Chico. John Malpas and Cynthia Powell
2023 October Birdcage Plant Oenothera deltoides Birdcage Plant Oenothera deltoides
2022 July The flora of Fort Ord, Monterey County, in 70 checklists courtesy of David Stryer and associates.
2022 March Calflora is now serving specimen data from the Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria (CNABH). It is available from the Observation Search application, Other Sources. details
2022 January County Level Floras
2021 December The EPA Ecoregions in California application v 0.37 shows locations found in the selected Level IV ecoregion. Each location is a Great Place, and exhibits a concrete example of the flora of that Ecoregion. Example: 85f Diegan Coastal Hills and Valleys.
2021 November Use the Plant Name Status application to find out which scientific plant names are currently accepted. details
2021 September Calflora has added 36 new plant names so far in 2021.
2021 August Generating a regional flora with What Grows Here details
2021 July In What Grows Here, records whose locations are imprecise are displayed on the map with a white halo around the point. This feature emphasizes that for some records, the point indicates a general area where the plant was found, not a specific location.
2021 June 11 Calinvasives, Pests and Pathogens v. 0.43
  now tracking 123 emergent plant threats.
2021 May Calflora is now serving specimen data from the Consortium of California Herbaria 2 (CCH2). It is available from the Observation Search application, Other Sources. details
2021 March Add iNaturalist records to Calflora, including subspecies and varieties. details
2021 March The Plant Range application (formerly Plant Distribution) has two ways of showing potential habitat: by watershed, or by climate model.
2020 November Observation Search has a new default symbology theme showing Record Type. Open LEGEND above the map to see the legend:

It is now possible to search for questionable records and records where the Number of Plants is zero.

2020 May Drawing a polygon in Calflora map applications VIDEO
2020 January Plant List Definition v. 2.0: check whether any plant names in an existing plant list have changed.
2020 January Overview of Calflora Map Applications VIDEO
2020 August New on the Taxon Report page: a link to the Biota of North America (BONAP) Distribution Map showing North American distribution by county
2020 June A Short History of the Calflora Database
2020 June If you see a red circle with a white number in it next to your name in the upper right, it means you have notifications.
2020 May The May Photo Contest happened, this year with a twist:
Any observation submitted during May, 2020 counts as an entry. It does not matter when the photo was taken.
2020 April Home learning with Calflora in the era of COVID-19 Letter
2020 January If you make observations of rare plants, there is a new CNDDB recommended form for the Rare plants project, Specialty group. details
2020 January Use the Shape Editor to assemble a multi polygon from simple polygons, or to split a multi polygon into simple polygons. details

2019 November
Geoff Burleigh's complete collection of native plant photos
are now available: 8,000 photos / 2,000 observations.
Thanks to Steve Hartman and the Los Angeles/Santa Monica Mountains CNPS Chapter
2019 September Calinvasives, Pests and Pathogens
  a database of emergent plant threats, v. 0.42
2019 September Calflora receives updated Rare Plant Rank information directly from CNDDB. details
2019 August You can obscure the location of a plant observation with Plant Observation Entry. details
2019 August Adding a point location in Plant Observation Entry. VIDEO
2019 August Observation Search has a new column set called Basic + Accuracy
-- useful for comparing the error radius of various observations.


2019 July

Calflora map applications show stream names, and can highlight the course of streams -- from the California Streams dataset, California Department of Fish and Widlife.
2019 June The May 2019 Photo Contest is complete!
Congratulations to Sue Graue, Ron Vanderhoff, and Jeff Bisbee.

winning photos
2019 May 15-16 Calflora training for the CNPS Mojave Chapter, Yucca Valley
Calflora tools for CNPS users
2019 April The Planting Guide
Find locally appropriate native plants for a planting site -- limit the results to plants that grow with an existing plant.
2019 April SSURGO SOIL DATA shown on Calflora maps updated to the latest (October 2018) version. details
2019 March The Monarch Nectar plant list just updated courtesy of the Xerces Society. These are plants suitable for a garden or restoration project.

Here is a What Grows Here? search showing commercially available nectar plants growing wild near Irvine, Orange Co. Move the map to your location, and find Monarch nectar plants that grow nearby.

Monarch caterpillar on Asclepias fscicularis, © 2016 Glen Schneider
2019 February About Map Layers   (Map Layer HELP) VIDEO
2019 January Using Observer Pro as an Independent, several sets of historical records can be loaded at the same time. details
2018 September The Observation Detail page has links to show the spatial and ecological context of an observation.
2019 February The California Protected Areas Database layer (CPAD) has been updated to the December, 2018 version (available on all Calflora map applications). details
2018 September Calflora has a new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. details
2018 October The Google Maps 'cinemascope' button (AKA fullscreen toggle) now works in all Calflora map applications. Press the button in the upper right of the map.
2018 October There is a new edit icon in many Calflora applications, a violet crayon:
2018 August Great Places to view California native plants:
Chips Creek, Plumas National Forest
Thanks to Alaine Arslan
2018 July There are new color options for the background layers in Calflora map applications.

2018 June The iOS Observer Pro app version 1.3.4 is available from iTunes. details
2018 June Plant Observation Entry: Add a geotagged photo to a new record, and POE will extract the location and the date from the photo.
2018 June 22 Calflora training in Mammoth Lakes
collecting, importing, exporting, and using Calflora data
2018 June 20 Calflora training in South Lake Tahoe (free)
Calflora Tools for Invasive Plant Tacking
2018 June The May 2018 Photo Contest is complete! details
2018 April Great Places to view California native plants:
2018 March If you have added photos to your observations, you can let others use your photos according to a Creative Commons license. details
2018 March Volunteer Opportunites If you have some time and a botanical inclination, we need your help. details
2018 February How to add wild plant observations to Calflora with Plant Observation Entry (POE), the web application. VIDEO
2018 February On the Dynamic Plant Lists for State Parks and National Parks page,
there are now two links per park: possible and confirmed.

2018 January
Great Places to view California native plants:
Here is a recent Great Place from Alaine Arslan: North Table Mountain Ecological Reserve
2017 November First release of Calinvasives, Pests and Pathogens
  a new database of emergent plant threats
2017 November v. 2.03 of the Plant Distribution application   indicates the range of a plant by highlighting watersheds where the plant has been observed. (See these Design Notes for a further explanation.)
2017 August Here is an interesting feature of Great Places:
Various places can be compared by DENSITY, meaning the number of distinct native species per acre. The Forrest Deaner Native Plant Botanic Garden in Benicia is the current leader.
2017 July The Shape Editor has improved polygon generating capabilites.
2017 June The May 2017 Photo Contest is complete!
2017 May CNPS releases Online Inventory version 8-03
developed by Calflora with the CNPS Inventory team
2017 April 24 Calflora training at Santa Clara Valley Water District, San Jose
collecting, importing, exporting, and using Calflora data
2017 January 25 Calflora training at Audubon Starr Ranch Sanctuary, Santa Ana Mountains
collecting, importing, exporting, and using Calflora data

2016 December
Great Places to view California native plants:
Here is a recent Great Place from Keir Morse:
Iron Mountain and Ellie Lane Trails, Poway
2016 November

An analysis of how many plants tolerate each soil pH
6.5 is the pH tolerated by the most plants.
2016 October   There is now a link to a Calscape plant page from the Calflora Taxon Report page.
This is a great way to get landscaping information about the plant.

2016 October
Great Places to view California native plants:
Here is a recent Great Place from Keir Morse:
Cactus Spring Trail, Santa Rosa Mountains
2016 October   Plant Pallete for a Vegetative Screen, Sebastopol Charter School
Using Calflora tools to choose locally appropriate native plants.
2015 November Using What Grows Here? to find local milkweed (Asclepias) species details
2015 October Location Suitability: will a native plant do well at your location? details
2015 October Applications for Invasive Plants:
all about early detection targets, weed groups, etc.
2015 August Search for Plants (the Calflora home page) details
2015 May  A video describing the Taxon Report page VIDEO
2015 April Group Observations: show only the most recent record
when there are several records describing a population
2015 February Each Calflora contributor should use their own account. details
2015 January   In the news:
Management of Biological Invasions (2015) Volume 6, Issue 3: 231-241

The San Francisco Bay Area Early Detection Network
Mark Frey, Mike Perlmutter, Andrea Williams, Dan Gluesenkamp
2015 January Botanizing with Calflora
a workshop at the CNPS Conservation Conference
2014 October   Weed Manager: Resources, Applications, and Techniques
a description of each Weed Manager application now available
2014 April  The Taxon Report page: a new map details
2013 November  Groups and Comments:
email notification of group activity and comments on your records
2013 October  Climate and soil background layers in various map applications details
2013 March  What Grows Here? 2.0 released
2012 December A crosswalk from TJM2 names to USDA PLANTS names, and vice-versa details
2012 October   Cynthia Powell, new GIS Project Manager at Calflora
2012 August   Best Plants, Best Practices 1.0 released details
2011 November   150 new State Park checklists details
2011 October   Cynthia Powell, Cal-IPC: 137,000 records! details
2010 December CNPS releases Online Inventory 8th Edition,
developed by Calflora with the CNPS Inventory team

Historical Notes  
Is Calflora being taken over by weeds? September, 2011

Summary of 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005

Contributor Hall-of-Fame October, 2009

Testimonials April, 2003

Goals And Achievements February, 2003

A Short History of Calflora